This is the official implementation of Human-in-the-Loop Differential Subspace Search in High Dimensional Latent Space [SIGGRAPH 2020].
The pretrained weights of the nerual networks are not maintained here.
Please download the weights from
and put the pretrained_weights
folder to [path/to/this/repositoy]/
before running the codes using neural networks.
This project is developed on Windows OS, so it is not guaranteed to be executable on other operating systems.
The core requirements across this project is listed below.
- python 3.6.1
- numpy (
pip install numpy
) - tensorflow (
pip install tensorflow==1.14
orpip install tensorflow-gpu==1.14
)- You may not need to install tensorflow if you are only going to run the Experiments that don't make use of neural networks.
- Tensorflow 2 is not supported so please make sure the installed version is 1.x
- Please refer to the official guide for setting up the gpu version of tenserflow.
Please check the dependencies according to your target script.
For example, if you are going to try our Application using GANSynth model, you must make sure the requirements for GUI & GANSynth are corrected installed.
- PyQt5 (
pip install pyqt5
- OpenCV (
pip install opencv-python
- librosa (
pip install librosa
- PyMCubes (
pip install PyMCubes
To execute the codes of Experiments and Evaluation (User study), the SLS library must be corrected installed.
If you are only going to play with the Application, you can simply skip this step.
In this work, we are basically using the SLS implementation proposed in [Koyama+ 2017]. The source codes are included as a git submodule and can be found here: [path/to/this/repositoy]/sequential-line-search
, which has an SHA1 of 9f196c144199d095ee726efad4bc6678eb46ff09
Its Python bindings can be installed via pip
pip install ./sequential-line-search
If you failed to install the library with pip
under Windows, you can choose to manually compile it using cmake
and put the compiled pyd
file under [path/to/this/repositoy]/utils
The code to generate the result shown in the 4.2 section in our paper is [path/to/this/repositoy]/Experiments/
You can execute the script by
cd Experiments
python [--test]
Add --test
to have a test run to make sure the environments are corrected set.
The randomly intialized variables can be found here:
Please make sure the path is correct, i.e. the synthetic_experiment_local
should be inside the [path/to/this/repositoy]/Evaluation/
and the data structure should be organized as those in the drive.
The code to generate the result shown in the 4.3 ~ 4.5 sections in our paper is [path/to/this/repositoy]/Experiments/
You can execute the script by
cd Experiments
python [--test]
Add --test
to have a test run to make sure the environments are corrected set.
The randomly intialized variables can be found here:
Please make sure the path is correct, i.e. the synthetic_experiment_global
should be put inside the [path/to/this/repositoy]/Evaluation/
and the data structure should be organized as those in the drive.
The code to generate the result shown in the 5.1 section in our paper is [path/to/this/repositoy]/Experiments/
You can execute the script by
cd Experiments
python [--test]
Add --test
to have a test run to make sure the environments are corrected set.
The randomly intialized variables can be found here:
Please put the extracted file mnist_experiment_global
into [path/to/this/repositoy]/Evaluation/
The code to perform the user study shown in the 5.2 section in our paper is [path/to/this/repositoy]/Evaluation/
You can execute the script by
cd Evaluation
python setting_json subject_index
The legal option for setting_json
is either pggan_celebahq.json
or gansynth.json
and the subject_index
should be an integer.
You can play with our application by
cd Application
python dataset [--output_path output_path] [--initial initial_file] [--use_approx USE_APPROX]
The legal option for dataset
, PGGAN_celebahq
, GANSynth
, IMGAN_flight
and IMGAN_chair
Add --output_path
to specify the saving path and add --initial
to specify the inital data.
The initial_file
should be a text file, where the 1st line contains the latent size and the second line contains the latent variable with each dimension separated with a space.
to False
to make use of raw jacobian, otherwise the stochastic jacobian mentioned in the paper.
In the beginning of the application (and as well as any time during the search process), press R
to pick a randomly selected data as the initial data. Once you decided the inital data, press the Start Button to start the search. During the search, you can always press S
to save the current data.