[1]Synergy-DisasterRelief is a web app which will provide useful data required by disaster relief agencies and will also help them identify the regions which require immediate mitigation. Users of social media play an important role in the dissemination of emergency and disaster information. Tweets can be analysed and useful data can be extracted from tweets to identify locations affected by the disaster. Also, other information like donations, type of casualties etc., can be extracted from the tweets. The information can be used by agencies to provide relief.
[2]In the event of a crisis, a user can send a request for help using the app. They can also specify the resources required by them. If the users are not able to send requests themselves due to connectivity issues, someone from a remote location, their family or friends can send the request. Requests are validated and accessed to generate a impact map for the agencies so that concerned relief agencies may start relief.
[3]Flask with PostGreSQL is used. sklearn, xgboost is used for classification and extraction of tweets.