Developed under Python 3.10 environment, not tested in other versions. However, it should also be compatible with other versions of Python.
pip install mysql-connector-python sshtunnel
Generate default configuration file:
A sample configuration file for running with MySQL locally:
"dbs": {
"wp1": {
"root_path": "/home/web/wordpress1/public_html/",
"user_count": 1
"wp2": {
"root_path": "/home/web/wordpress2/public_html/",
"user_count": 1
"debug": false,
"mysql_host": "",
"mysql_password": "password",
"mysql_ssh": false,
"mysql_user": "root",
"send_email": true,
"send_email_to": "**notification**",
"smtp_host": "",
"smtp_password": "password",
"smtp_port": 465,
"send_email_subject_prefix":"WordPress Alert from wpsec_mon: ",
"send_email_subject_suffix_uc": "Suspicious Users Added",
"send_email_subject_suffix_fc": "Suspicious Files Added",
"smtp_user": "**sender**",
"time_diff": 0
or for connecting to MySQL with SSH:
"dbs": {
"wp1": {
"root_path": "/home/web/wordpress1/public_html/",
"user_count": 1
"wp2": {
"root_path": "/home/web/wordpress2/public_html/",
"user_count": 1
"debug": false,
"mysql_host": "",
"mysql_password": "password",
"mysql_ssh": true,
"mysql_ssh_host": "",
"mysql_ssh_port": 22,
"mysql_ssh_pri_key": "/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa",
"mysql_ssh_user": "root",
"mysql_user": "root",
"send_email": true,
"send_email_to": "**notification**",
"smtp_host": "",
"smtp_password": "password",
"smtp_port": 465,
"send_email_subject_prefix":"WordPress Alert from wpsec_mon: ",
"send_email_subject_suffix_uc": "Suspicious Users Added",
"send_email_subject_suffix_fc": "Suspicious Files Added",
"smtp_user": "**sender**",
"time_diff": 0
Check user count in WordPress DB: