Tool to create diff of docker images' versions (layer by layer) as a tarball and inflate the original image later.
Note. Works only for changes in top layers.
Requirements: python 2.6+/3.5+
{"Layers": [ "sha256:41c002c8a6fd36397892dc6dc36813aaa1be3298be4de93e4fe1f40b9c358d99", "sha256:647265b9d8bc572a858ab25a300c07c0567c9124390fd91935430bf947ee5c2a", ... ] }
python --updatesrc <actual (new) tar image to update to> --layers <json with layers' hashes of old image (dict with Layers key and list value)> --output <target tar location (with tar extension) to produce diff>
python --difftar <diff tar previously produced> --oldimg <old img tar> --output <new tar to load to docker>