Portfolio && eCommerce of Sinistre collective
🏠 Homepage
yarn install
yarn start
yarn test
👤 Sean Magaud
- Portfolio: https://seanmagaud.herokuapp.com
- Twitter: @dadadu06zer
- Github: @seanmgd
- LinkedIn: @sean-magaud
👤 Tristan Ramirez @ttRmz
👤 Diego Lehen @dygzz
👤 Ramy Barka @chikoure
👤 Rémi Bosgaerd @stupa163
PWA React application using Laravel API provided by one of my other project which is hosted on my private network with a Raspberry
This app contain these points :
Hosted on netlify with Cloudfare security for sinistre.de domain
Custom project titles && icons with a superb algerian flag favicon
i18n for multilanguage
Github actions link to our discord private server
Trello for tasks management
Sonarqube code analysis
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