This is the phonon transport part in SMEAGOL. --- Mar. 8, 2018 --- --- by Hao Wang ---
The DFT part of SMEAGOL was written with Fortran. To reduce the coupling to the initial code and better encapsule , C++ was used to encode this part. Some characteristic of Fortran2003 and C++11 were used, especially in building the interface. The following compile labels are necessary in arch.make,
- CXX = g++ #(newer than 4.8)
- CCFLAGS = -Wall -Wextra -std=c++11
- LDFLAGS = $(FFLAGS) #(must newer than 17)
run script " slabel.fdf" to construct a huge non-peiordic super cell for lead
- no further label is needed, the script will add them automatically
- systemlabel.LeadInfo will be generate to contain calculating information
- slabelFC.fdf then can be used as input file for smeagol
run "pathforsmeagol/smeagol < slabelFC.fdf >slabelFc.out" for lead calculations
- bulksgf.lft, bulksgf.rt will be generated. Copy them to the transport calculation directory.
in transport directory,
- MD.FCfirst 14
- MD.FClast 28 should be added to boundary the central scattering region,
run " slabel.fdf E" to construct supercell for transport calculation
- generate systemlabel.EMInfo, slabelFC.fdf
run "pathforsmeagol/smeagol < slabelFC.fdf >slabelFc.out" for transport calculations
- generate:
- systemlabel.PhTrc // transmission
- systemlabel.THERMPH // thermal conductance
- systemlabel.BulkDOS // system DOS before and after connecting molecules to leads
- systemlabel.EigenMode // eigenmode and eigenvectors of local vibration
- systemlabel.EigenChannel // Eigen conduction channel
- generate:
calulate decay rate of local vibration
- copy systemlabel.EigenMode to lead directory and add vibDecayRate T to slabelFc.fdf and run smeagol
- copy bulksgf.lft, bulksgf.rt to transport directory and add vibDecayRate T to slabelFc.fdf in transport directory and run smeagol
- generate
- systemlabel.EigenModeRate // decay rate of local vibration
also, the demanding FC matrix calculations could also be performed with siesta, the label
- MD.FCRead T
- MD.FCAtomRestart 10000 should be added into the fdf file.