BVD is a tool for monitoring and presenting the status of CI Builds running on multiple Jenkins installation for Voltage Security. The software has been made open source under the BSD license.
BVD is exensible in that it does not rely on any particular CI System, and can be used with any CI system of your choosing, by plugging in a module which connects to your desired CI System, and returns the following JSON for each desired CI build to be monitored:
return dict(
jobname = jobname,
status = status,
The BVD GUI allows you to monitor CI builds by entering the following parameters:
1) Hostname of CI Server
2) Name of Build
3) Display name (Optional). This is the name that will be displayed on the widget
BVD reports on the various statuses of CI builds via colored widgets with icons representing each state, ex:
1) A successful last build: Green Widget with Check Mark icon
2) A failed last build : Red Widget with X icon
3) An unstable build : Yellow Widget with Cloud icon
4) A down host : Grey Widget
You should install pip (but is not required), which will simplify the installation of required libraries, which can be found in the requirements.txt in the project root directory
If you would like an automated install, you will need to install fabric.
SqlLite-3 (Required)
Install fabric, via easy_install: ex:
$ sudo apt-get install python-distribute #will install easy_install $ sudo easy_install fabric
Install pip via via easy_install: ex:
$ sudo easy_install pip
Navigate to the project root, where the file exists
Run the following command (notice: you DO NOT need sudo access):
$ fab local
Open your browser and point it to:
The automated install script will download and install all required libraries via the folowing command:
$ pip install --user -r requirements.txt
which will store all required libraries at the user level, and not the system leve, thereby not needing sudo access
the script then runs the following command
$ python syncdb
which will create the required database and associated database tables, then the installer will run
$ python runserver
which starts the django developement server, such that you can view the application for testing purposes