Prerequisites: Docker, Ansible on Windows 10+ WSL2 or Linux with Ansible and Docker insatlled
To insatll WSL, please follow Microsoft guide at
Docker Instruction can be found here:
curl -fsSL -o sudo sh
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Ensure the script has execution permission set for the user. if it's not set, set it using
sudo chmod u+x
- Install Ansible on WSL using
sudo apt get install ansible
- Install docker
- Add the logged in user to the docker group using
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
- To create the infrastructure, run ./ -create x where x is the number of containers you want created
- After creating the infrastructure, the script will create a playbooks directory with the inventory file
- To verify the created invenory, run
ansible all -i playbooks/inventory -m ping
- To delete the created inventory and start fresh, run
./ -delete
the delete the playbooks directory usingrm -rf playbooks
- Install Ansible
- Install docker
- add the current logged user to docker group
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
- clone the repo
git clone
- Set execution permission on
sudo chmod u+x
- Excute the script and create containers using
./ -create 5
#Note: This script assumes the logged in user is a member of the docker group. to add the user, use sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
To run the one or more of the containers manually, run the following
docker run -rm -tid --cap-add NET_ADMIN --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --publish-all=true -v /srv/data:/srv/html -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro --name {REPLACE_WITH_CONTAINER_NAME} -h {REPLACE_WITH_CONTAINER_NAME} sageil/ansible-env