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Installation details from scratch on a Linux based system

jeljaik edited this page Dec 1, 2014 · 2 revisions

Installing from Scratch on Ubuntu/Debian

  1. Install YARP and iCub
  • Install YARP & iCub dependencies on Debian and Ubuntu:
    1. On Ubuntu, get the Adjective part of your release, e.g. for Ubuntu 14.04: sudo sh -c 'echo "deb trusty contrib/science" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/icub.list' While for Debian Squeeze this would be: sudo sh -c 'echo "deb squeeze contrib/science" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/icub.list'
    2. sudo apt-get update
    3. sudo apt-get install icub-common
  • Get the source code:
    1. Install git: sudo apt-get install git
    2. Switch to where you store your code or software, e.g. cd ~/software
    3. pull the YARP source code: git clone
    4. cd back to ~/software.
    5. pull the iCub source code: git clone
  • At this point if you type ls in ~/software you should get among other software you might have the directories: icub-main and yarp.
  • Let us first configure yarp by going to its root directory: cd ~/software/yarp, creating a build directory mkdir build and using cmake/ccmake to configure and compile the project. To install ccmake (graphical interface of cmake) enter sudo apt-get install cmake-curses-gui. Once installed, to configure yarp for compilation, move to the build directory cd build, enter ccmake ../ and hit c to do a first configuration of the project. In the list of options that appear make sure the following options are ON (by hitting Enter): CREATE_GUIS, CREATE_LIB_MATH, CREATE_SHARED_LIBRARY, INSTALL_WITH_RPATH. Again hit c until no stars * appear and finally g to generate the cmake files for compilation.
  • Finally compile YARP by issuing the command make (always in the build directory).
  • Install YARP by doing sudo make install
  • Proceed in the same way to compile iCub, by going to its root directory, creating a build directory and entering ccmake ../ with at least the option INSTALL_WITH_RPATH ON, and hitting c until no stars * show up, followed by g. Compile by typing make and install with sudo make install.
  1. Install codyco-superbuild.
  • Get the dependencies. Boost, Eigen and tinyxml are dependencies that are not included in icub-commons. To install them, type: sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev libtinyxml-dev
  • Get the source code, making sure you're back in ~/Software and type `git clone'.
  • If you haven't configure your github account. You should do it at this point with git config --global FirstName LastName and git config --global [email protected]
  • cd codyco-superbuild && mkdir build && cd build && ccmake ../
  • We will assume from this point onwards that you have installed MATLAB in its default directory. If you haven't, please
  • After the previous line you get a screen with CMake options in which you should activate the flag CODYCO_USES_WBI_TOOLBOX and then proceed as explained before until reaching the compilation. Different from the installation of YARP and iCub, you won't need to install by doing sudo apt-get install.
  1. You will find it useful to define the following environmental variables (for further installation instructions described in the of this project) CODYCO_SUPERBUILD_DIR that points to the build directory of codyco-superbuild, YARP_DIR that points to the build directory of your YARP installation.