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chore(extensions.yml): update markdown extensions in extensions.yml
chore(mkdocs.yml): update markdown extensions in mkdocs.yml The markdown extensions in both `extensions.yml` and `mkdocs.yml` have been updated. The changes include: - Adding the `abbr`, `admonition`, `attr_list`, `def_list`, `footnotes`, and `md_in_html` extensions to the list of markdown extensions. - Adding the `pymdownx.snippets` and `pymdownx.tilde` extensions to the list of markdown extensions in `mkdocs.yml`. - Removing the `permalink` option from the `toc` extension in both files. - Removing the `pymdownx.arithmatex`, `pymdownx.betterem`, `pymdownx.caret`, `pymdownx.critic`, `pymdownx.details`, `pymdownx.highlight`, `pymdownx.tasklist` extensions from `mkdocs.yml`. - Updating the configuration of the `pymdownx.emoji` extension in both files to use the `material.extensions.emoji.twemoji` index and `material.extensions.emoji.to_svg` generator. - Adding a custom icon set for the `pymdownx.emoji` extension in `extensions.yml`. - Adding a custom fence for the `mermaid` code block in the `pymdownx.superfences` extension in both files. - Updating the `pymdownx.tabbed` extension in `mkdocs.yml` to use the `pymdownx.slugs.slugify` slugify function. - Removing the `pymdownx.tasklist` extension from `mkdocs.yml`. - Updating the `pymdownx.magiclink` extension in both files to use the `robinmordasiewicz/devops-toolkit` repository. - Adding the `pymdownx.inlinehilite` and `pymdownx.keys` extensions to the list of markdown extensions in both files. - Adding the `pymdownx.mark` and `pymdownx.smartsymbols` extensions to the list of markdown extensions in both files. - Removing the commented out `pymdownx.snippets` extension configuration in `extensions.yml`. - Removing the commented out `pymdownx.snippets` extension configuration in `mkdocs.yml`. - Removing the commented out `pymdownx.tasklist` extension configuration in `mkdocs.yml`. - Removing the commented out `pymdownx.tilde` extension configuration in `mkdocs.yml`. - Updating the `pymdownx.superfences` extension in both files to preserve tabs in code blocks. - Updating the `pymdownx.tabbed` extension in `mkdocs.yml` to use an alternate style and combine header slugs. - Removing the `pymdownx.tasklist` extension from `mkdocs.yml`. - Removing the `pymdownx.tilde` extension from `mkdocs.yml`. - Updating the `pymdownx.magiclink` extension in both files to normalize issue symbols and use shorthand repository URLs. - Updating the `pymdownx.superfences` extension in both files to use the `pymdownx.superfences.fence_code_format` format for the `mermaid` code block. - Removing the `pymdownx.tasklist` extension from `mkdocs.yml`. - Removing the `pymdownx.tilde` extension from `mkdocs.yml`. - Updating the `pymdownx.tabbed` extension in `mkdocs.yml` to use the `pymdownx.slugs.slugify` slugify function. - Removing the `pymdownx.tasklist` extension from `mkdocs.yml`. - Removing the `pymdownx.tilde` extension from `mkdocs.yml`. - Updating the `pymdownx.magiclink` extension in both files to normalize issue symbols and use shorthand repository URLs. - Updating the `pymdownx.superfences` extension in both files to preserve tabs in code blocks. - Adding a custom fence for the `mermaid` code block in the `pymdownx.superfences` extension in both files. - Updating the `pymdownx.inlinehilite` and `pymdownx.keys` extensions in both files. - Updating the `pymdownx.mark` and `pymdownx.smartsymbols` extensions in both files. - Removing the commented out `pymdownx.snippets` extension configuration in `extensions.yml`. - Removing the commented out `pymdownx.snippets` extension configuration in `mkdocs.yml`. - Removing the commented out `pymdownx.tasklist` extension configuration in `mkdocs.yml`. - Removing the commented out `pymdownx.tilde` extension configuration in `mkdocs.yml`. feat(mkdocs.yml.working): add initial configuration for MkDocs site The commit adds the initial configuration for the MkDocs site. It includes settings for the site name, description, URLs, repository, edit URI, and extra features such as annotations and social media links. It also configures the theme, including the logo, favicon, and various features and color schemes. Additionally, it sets up markdown extensions, plugins, and navigation structure for the site.
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