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mercDesign edited this page Jun 23, 2011 · 2 revisions
  • Drop down at the top of the ACP to select a mod you are currently working on so that it can be pre-filled whenever you create something
  • Missing phrase browser where you see a bunch of phrases that haven't been created yet and you simply fill them out and go to the next one all in real time
  • An abstract installer class that devs can extend that will include things like addContentType
  • Enhancements to the template editors to add things like line numbers, tabbing, syntax highlighting. Error reporting as you go etc
  • Ability to test a users permissions in the ACP like you can in the forums
  • Make navigation easier for all the things you need to modify when developing addons
  • Ability to create templates while working on a template. So when working on one and you want a css file for it you just create one then and there
  • Add debugging info for things like what template does what and where, what listeners are called etc
  • When editing templates have a list of xenforo style properties you can use and all the xen statements you can use optionally
  • When working on templates have the ability to make phrases as you go
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