- XCode
- Android Studio
- XCode tools
- node
- yarn
- fastlane and appcenter plugin:
bundle exec fastlane add_plugin appcenter
- transcrypt
- Install transcrypt:
brew install transcrypt
- Ask a project's developper for the transcrypt password
- Run the following decrypt command
transcrypt -c aes-256-cbc -p '<password>'
All your secret files (including .secret keystores) are decrypted and you are now able to deploy to any environment.
In ios directory, run:
bundle exec pod install --repo-update
If you have a problem with iOS build, delete the folder ios/Pods and relaunch the command.
Run the app on iOS emulator with
yarn run-ios
Run the app on Android with
yarn run-android
yarn deploy -e staging -o android -t hard
yarn deploy -e staging -o ios -t hard
yarn deploy -e staging -o android -t soft
yarn deploy -e staging -o ios -t soft
bundle exec fastlane android deploy --env=production
There are currently two environments.
You need to run a server on localhost
See file environments/.env.staging