Sign up with the project owner/admin email account
Go to cloud shell, run the following commands
cd $HOME
git clone
cd $HOME/earth-engine-demo && chmod +x
If something goes wrong, run ./start/sh again.
Set permissions
- Sign up with the service account with Earth Engine
- Earth Engine Service account Sign-up
- Go to Service Accounts under IAM in your cloud project
- Identify the service account named 'App Engine default service account' and copy the email address
- In Earth Engine registration sign-up screen, enter the service account email in box: Register a new service account for XXXX, click "Register service account" button, the service account will show up in the Current service accounts list
Validation steps:
- Go to BigQuery console, check the dataset and table created.
- Go to Cloud Scheduler screen, run the job task manually
- Go to Cloud storage, and check the PROJECT_ID-bq_export_bucket, verify one csv file created with current date as file name( Month-DD-YYYY)
- Web Code Editor When prompted user, use the project owner who has signed-up the earth engine. Click the user/profile Icon on top right screen, Click Choose Cloud Project, choose "select existing project", choose the cloud project from dropdown list Validation steps:
- Code Editor console, click the Asset tab, verify there is asset listed under PROJECT_ID with name of MONTH-DD-YYYY
Create a script
- Click Script tab in Code Editor console. Create a new Script, give name as app.js (you may need to create a folder first when prompt to do so)
- Copy the contents of cloud shell $HOME/earth-engine-demo/ee_app.js to app.js in Code Editor screen
- Change line 10 with proper values for PROJECT_ID
- Click Save and Run button in Code Editor console
- Verify no error, and you can see the polygon areas created.
Create a script
- Click Script tab in Code Editor console. Create a new Script, give name as adavanceAnalytics.js
- Copy the contents of cloud shell $HOME/earth-engine-demo/ee_advanceAnlytics.js to advanceAnalytics.js in Code Editor screen
- Change line 9 and line 13 with proper values for PROJECT_ID
- Click Save and Run button in Code Editor console
- Verify no error, and you can see the polygon areas created.
- Click Tasks tab( with yellow color in top right panel), click Run button.
- After task run completed, go to Cloud Storage bucket PROJECT_ID-ee_export_bucket and verify file created
Update link for app.js
- From advanceAnalytics.js in Code Editor, click Get Link dropdown, click Copy script path,
- Switch to app.js in Code Editor, in line 14, replace the ADVANCE_URL with script path just copied. Save app.js
Create apps for app.js
- Click apps from app.js Code Editor
- Click New App
- Provide App Name, Choose Existing Project
- In source code step, choose Repository script Path.
- In next screen, type in app.js.
- Click Next, and then Publish
- In next screen, there will be URL link below the app-name. Validate the URL works after a minute
Set permissions
- Go to Service Accounts under IAM in your cloud project
- Identify the service account named 'Service Account for Earth Engine App' and copy the email address
- On the IAM page, click Add
- Set New Principal: copied email address and Role: Earth Engine Resource Viewer
- Open the app link
- Click "Advanced Analytics" button in right panel
- A separate window will open
- Click the Run button,
- Check on/off different Tree Cover layers