A Board Game where multiple players compete to acquire maximum number of squares on the board
- Install latest version of node and npm
- You can download it from https://nodejs.org/en/download/
- Install pm2 and webpack npm modules
npm install -g pm2
npm install -g webpack
- Install all the required npm modules
cd board-game
npm install
- Run webpack bundler
Note: you should be within the board game directory
Start the game server
/opt/node/bin/pm2 start --no-daemon bin/www -i 2
Go to http://localhost:8000 to play the game
Before starting the game server you can configure some of the parameters like size of the board, minimum number of players and block time.
You can find these configurations in config.js file. Modify the config as you require and start the game server.
For ease of deployment you can also start the game within a docker container.
You can use the Dockerfile given in the code base to build a custom docker image and create docker container
cd docker
docker build -t "board-game:0.0.1" --rm=true --no-cache .
docker run --name board-game -p 8000:8000 -v /path/to/board-game/:/board-game/ -d board-game:0.0.1
NOTE: You have to provide the absolute path to the source code of board-game before running the docker run command
You can find the working demo at http://rdkrish.in:8000