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A library to serialize and deserialize 'grpc-status-details-bin' metadata when using grpc


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Utility function for serializing and deserializing between the grpc-status-details-bin metadata value and StatusProto when using the node grpc package. Error details allow sending/receiving additional data along with an error. For instance, if a request sends invalid data, a gRPC server could send back a BadRequest message identifying the field and why it failed validation.

gRPC services that send rich error details place information in the grpc-status-details-bin metadata property of the ServiceError passed to the callback of a failed gRPC method call. The value of the grpc-status-details-bin field is a serialized Status message. The Status message's details field is an array of Any messages, which consist of a type field and the serialized data for that message type.

This library, given an error, returns back the both deserialized Status message and an array of deserialized detail messages as a StatusProto object.


# yarn
yarn add @nextpay/grpc-node-status-proto

# npm
npm install @nextpay/grpc-node-status-proto


This library provide methods to serialize and deserialize grpc-status-details-bin metadata value and StatusProto when using the node grpc package.

Version 1.x using grpc

Version 2.x using new @grpc/grpc-js

export class StatusProto<T extends Message> {
  private status: Status | undefined;

  private code: number;

  private message: string;

  private details: Array<T>;


  • status is a google defined Status
  • code is gRPC status Code
  • message is error message
  • and details is the Status's details array with each item deserialized and unpacked from an Any message to its actual message type. You can create your own message type or checkout google's defined message types

StatusProto.fromServiceError(error, deserializeMap)

StatusProto.fromServiceError allows passing in the deserializeMap argument, where each key is a message type and each value is its corresponding deserialize function. You can use provided googleDeserializeMap captured of Google's rpc error details type's deserialize function to deserialize google's Error Details


import {
  googleDeserializeMap, StatusProto, BadRequest, Status,
} from "@nextpay/grpc-node-status-proto";

// Make grpc call that fails and returns a Status object with
// details in the `grpc-status-details-bin` Metadata property
function hello(message: string, metadata?: any) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const meta = new Metadata();
    if (metadata) {
      Object.keys(metadata).map((key: string) => {
        meta.add(key, metadata[key]);
        return null;
    let response = {};
    const call: ClientUnaryCall = stub.hello(
      { message }, meta, async (err: any, res: any): Promise<any> => {
        if (err) {
          const statusProto = StatusProto.fromServiceError(err, googleDeserializeMap);
          const details = statusProto.getDetails();
          for (let i = 0; i < details.length; i += 1) {
            const detail = details[i];
            if (detail instanceof BadRequest) {
    'badrequest: ', detail.toObject());
              // TODO do something with bad request error
          console.error('calling greeter.hello failed: ', err);
        response = res;
    call.once('status', (status: StatusObject) => {
      resolve({ data: response, meta: status.metadata.getMap() });


statusProto.toServiceError() convert a StatusProto to grpc 's ServiceError


import {
  StatusProto, BadRequest, googleErrorDetailsTypeNameMap,
} from "@nextpay/grpc-node-status-proto";

// import others thing from grpc...

// adding hello rpc function
server.addService(Greeter.Greeter.service, {
  hello(call: ServerUnaryCall<any, any>, callback: any) {'greeting: ', call.request.message);
    if (!call.request.message) {
      const metadata: Metadata = new Metadata();
      metadata.add('1', '123');
      const br = new BadRequest();
      const fv = new BadRequest.FieldViolation();
      fv.setDescription('message is missing');

      const statusProto = new StatusProto(status.INVALID_ARGUMENT, 'Required fields must not be null');
      statusProto.addDetail(br, googleErrorDetailsTypeNameMap.BadRequest);
      const error = statusProto.toServiceError();
      return callback(error);
    return callback(null, { message: `hi there from greeter, response for: ${call.request.message}` });

For full example, checkout here


A library to serialize and deserialize 'grpc-status-details-bin' metadata when using grpc




