9.3.6 - November 2022
- (PW-1086) Fixed typo in field 36D accessors
- (PW-1078) StructuredNarrative: Added getBankCode() methods in order to allow direct access to data
- (GH-88) Added missing constants for ISO 15022 codes
- MT540 and MT548 added missing getter for Field99C
- Added removeRepeatedBoundaries method in order to remove repeated tag boundaries
What's Changed
- CU-31nugvr_APi-for-inner-Loops by @zubri in #116
- PW-1015: Added field model classes for 47E, 49D and 49F (SCORE MT798_774) by @zubri in #118
- CU-2npcewy_Add-labeled-getSequence-methods by @ptorres-prowide in #120
- Adding generic getters by @ptorres-prowide in #121
- CU-2vec2fz_MT566---USECU--FIA-is-not-repetitive by @ptorres-prowide in #123
- CU-3h7j5np_SRU2022-updates-review by @ptorres-prowide in #125
- CU-2x0m1a8_PW-1078--Parse-structured-content-of-field-71B by @ptorres-prowide in #126
- CU-18ubwt6_Agregar-soporte-split-by-15-en-MtWriter by @ptorres-prowide in #128
- CU-237qc45_GH-88--Missing-constants-for-ISO-15022-codes by @ptorres-prowide in #130
- CU-2x6hvap PW-1086 MT54x new option 36D quantity by @ptorres-prowide in #129
Full Changelog: SRU2022-9.3.1...SRU2022-9.3.6