RELEASE 9.1.4 - April 2021
- Fixed getConditionalQualifier in fields 69C, 69D and 92H
- Fixed field 41D isOptional(component) method
- (JIRA-510) Fixed parser of field 90L
- (JIRA-508) Fixed validator pattern in field 98K
- Added MultiLineField interface implementation to fields: 45C, 45L and 49Z
- Removed MultiLineField interface implementation to field 77H since its value is always a single line
- (JIRA-501) Added getNarrative(deli), getNameAndAddress(deli) and similar getters in Field classes to get a concatenation of the relevant components with a specific delimiter
- (JIRA-501) Fixed the getNarrative(), getNameAndAddress() and similar getters in Field classes to do a simple join of the relevant components, without CRLF and without components value trim
- (JIRA-505) Fixed SwiftFormatUtils#decimalsInAmount(BigDecimal)
- NPE prevention in AbstractMT.getFields() when the parsed FIN content is invalid
- Added UETRUtils to generate the GPI unique end-to-end transaction reference, mandatory for several payment messages
- Added customizable strategies to set the MtSwiftMessage metadata fields: reference, main amount, value date, etc...
- Added field classes for SCORE messages: 13E, 21S, 21T, 27A, 29P, 29S, 29U, 49Z (to be used in the proprietary payload of the MT798 envelop)
- (JIRA-451) Added backward compatible implementation in setComponent* and SetNarrative* API of narrative container fields: 29A, 37N, 70, 71B, 71D, 72Z, 72, 73A, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77A, 77B, 77D, 77
- (JIRA-445) Added backward compatible fromJson for narrative container fields: 29A, 37N, 45B, 46B, 49M, 49N, 70, 71B, 71D, 72Z, 72, 73A, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77A, 77B, 77D, 77J, 77
- Added Direction to the SwiftBlock2Field enumeration
- Added more message type cases to the SwiftMessageUtils valueDate
- Minor fixes in MT530 model: fields B/22F and C/90[A,B]