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Eric Luce edited this page Jun 25, 2024 · 1 revision



Adapters are a new level of abstraction that allows you to reuse the same client API with any number of proxies, including via a FileMaker Webviewer using the @proofgeist/fm-webviewer-fetch package and the Execute Data API script step. The adapter is responsible for handling the specifics of the connection to the FileMaker Data API, while the shared client exposes helper functions, schema validators, and other utilities to the developer.

Choose the adapter that is right for your project, or view below for how to build your own custom adatper.

OttoAdatper (recommended)

To connect via the Otto Data API Proxy, use the OttoAdapter with a Data API key:

import { DataApi, OttoAdapter } from "@proofgeist/fmdapi";

The OttoAdapter is compatible with API keys for both the Otto v3 and OttoFMS Data API Proxy. OttoFMS is available under a free license and is our reccomended method for interacting with the Data API.


Option Type Description
auth.apiKey string The Data API key from either Otto v3 (starts with KEY_) or OttoFMS (starts with dk_)
auth.port string (optional) Only used for Otto v3. Defaults to 3030
db string FileMaker database name
server string FileMaker server URL (must start with include https://)


To connect directly to the FileMaker Data API, use the FetchAdapter with a username and password:

import { DataApi, FetchAdapter } from "@proofgeist/fmdapi";


Option Type Description
auth object Authentication object. Must contain username and password
db string FileMaker database name
server string FileMaker server URL (must include https://)
tokenStore TokenStore (optional) If provided, will use the custom set of functions to store and retrieve the short-lived access token.


For rich webviewer experiences, use the WebViewerAdapter with the @proofgeist/fm-webviewer-fetch package (must be installed separately):

npm install @proofgeist/fm-webviewer-fetch

Then import the adapter like so:

import { DataApi } from "@proofgeist/fmdapi";
import { WebViewerAdapter } from "@proofgeist/fm-webviewer-fetch";

Custom Adapters

This is an advanced topic. If you are just an application developer trying to connect to a FileMaker database, all you need to know is how you want to connect to the FileMaker server, then import the appropriate adapter. Type hint for the selected adapter will guide you through the rest.

If you want to write you own adapter for your own proxy, or to override the root-level request method, you can write a custom adapter.

All adapters must implement the Adapter interface. If you want to build a proxy similar to the OttoAdapter, you can extend the BaseFetchAdapter class and will likely only need to implement the getToken and request methods. View the source for the FetchAdapter for an example of this.

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