This plugin is capable of sending emails which summarize tickets which are already expired or will expire in a specific number of days.
To install this plugin just clone it in your redmine’s plugins folder
Run “rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production“ in your redmine folder
Restart your webserver
If you wish you can use the script to install a cronjob which automatically triggers email delivery. Just give the two variables in it sensible values.
Note that redmine must be able to send emails, so you have to configure email server access for redmine.
If you did an update of this plugin run installation steps 2 and 3 again just to be safe if the database changed. See the wiki on for changenotes and further information.
The administrator can specify a number x of days. When mail delivery is triggered each user who subscribed to this service will get an email with a summary of all tickets that are assigned to him and are already expired or will be expired in x days. Mail delivery is triggered by a the rake task “rake redmine:redmine_reminder:send_reminder_mails“. This can be automatized by using the script. Every user who wants to get such reminder mails must subscribe to that service by ticking the checkbox _Subscribe to resubmission_ on the “My Account” page.
This plugin is published under the GPLv2.