- Download and install JDK 1.7 for your target system
- Download install Maven 3
- Download and install preferred database system (tested with mysql 5)
- /.m2/settings.xml set following properties -- cardiag.db.url (example: jdbc:mysql://localhost/cardiag) -- cardiag.db.username (must exist in db) -- cardiag.db.password
-] a) -> "Download Zip" -> extract to working directory ${wso2.workdir}. b) git clone
- db init
- diagDB: #% mvn clean install -PinitDB (create initial database) #% mvn clean install -PmigrateDB (updates database structur and add test data) -- contains all script for initial database setup and example data -- also an example excel datasheet is include: attention different structure to db
- webservice
- diagWS:
#% mvn clean install
-- contains 2 wsdl files for webservices
- carservice.wsdl
- diagservice.wsdl -- build creates axis based webservice server side skeletons target/generated-sources -- YOUR TODO is now: implement server side classes under src/main/java -> for your guidance see entity classes in carDB/src/main/java -- send pull request in github with your results for your colleages
- diagWSClient: #% mvn clean install -- you can find generated client stub in target/generated-sources -- YOUR TODO is now: extend generated classes to implement client side stuff.
- diagWS:
#% mvn clean install
-- contains 2 wsdl files for webservices
Have Fun!