Log messages from Swift to Sentry following SwiftLog.
- Add
as a dependency to yourPackage.swift
dependencies: [
.package(name: "SwiftSentry", url: "https://github.com/petrpavlik/swift-sentry.git", from: "1.0.0")
targets: [
.target(name: "MyApp", dependencies: ["SwiftSentry"])
- Configure Logging system
import Logging
import SwiftSentry
let sentry = Sentry(dsn: "<Your Sentry DSN String>")
// Add sentry to logger and set the minimum log level to `.error`
LoggingSystem.bootstrap { label in
SentryLogHandler(label: label, sentry: sentry, level: .error),
StreamLogHandler.standardOutput(label: label)
If your application already uses a EventLoopGroup
it is recommended to share it with SwiftSentry:
let sentry = try Sentry(
dsn: "<Your Sentry DSN String>",
httpClient: HTTPClient(eventLoopGroupProvider: .shared(eventLoopGroup))
- Send logs
var logger = Logger(label: "com.example.MyApp.main")
logger.critical("Something went wrong!")
The metadata of the logger will be sent as tags to sentry.
logger[metadataKey: "note"] = Logger.MetadataValue(stringLiteral: "some usefull information")
SwiftSentry can also upload stack traces generated on Linux with Swift Backtrace.
The following configuration assumes that you run an "API service" based on Swift with supervisord
following a typical vapor deployment.
Stack traces are uploaded at each start of your "API service". If your application crashes, a stack trace will be printed on stderr
and written to a log file specified in supervisord
. Once your application is restarted, SwiftSentry will read this log file and upload it to Sentry.
import SwiftSentry
let sentry = Sentry(dsn: "<Your Sentry DSN String>")
// Upload stack trace from a log file
// WARNING: the error file will be truncated afterwards
_ = try? sentry.uploadStackTrace(path: "/var/log/supervisor/hello-stderr.log")
Supervisor configuration at /etc/supervisor/conf.d/hello.conf
command=/home/vapor/hello/.build/release/Run serve --env production