This is a Development-Environment for easily building a Jira-Gadget without the need of knowing all to much of the underlying JIRA-Plugin architecture.
This Environment is based on Gulp to package all necessary Files and put them where they belong in the JIRA-Gadget-Folder. Furthermore, Gulp can watch all Files for changes and automatically repackage the whole app so all you need to do to view your changes is reload JIRA in the Browser.
- Atlassian Plugin SDK : Click for Installation Manual
- NodeJS - We need this for the gulp-task-runner.
- Gulp - After installing NodeJS, you can easily install Gulp via the command line: npm install -g gulp
- Bower - npm install -g bower
From a CMD-Terminal execute the following commands:
- cd gadgetDev --> Change Directory into this Dev-Dir
- npm install --> Installs all of Gulps Dependencies
- bower install --> Installs all Frontend-Dependencies
- gulp serve --> Start Developing!
Gulp will now automatically build all resources and put them into the right directory under src/main/ressources/. It will also watch all files for any changes and execute the belonging compile-task again so you can develop without needing to restart anything.
Right now, all templates will be added to the Namespace window.timeCollector.templates and can be executed from there.
Gulp will concat and minify all JS-Files into a single File timeCollector.js and put that file into src/main/ressources/js/. The same goes for Bower-Files (timeCollectorVendor.js). Handlebar-Templates will be pre-compiled and put into the same folder as timeCollectorTemplates.js. CSS will just be concatenated and put into src/main/ressources/css/.