This project contains the API shared by PharoEDA components.
PharoEDA is a framework to build event-driven applications, following DDD principles, and using ports-and-adapters for the external layers. This repository contains the common classes used by the PharoEDA components: PharoEDA-Adapters and PharoEDA itself.
PharoEDA-API defines the core classes and events used by the PharoEDA components to communicate with each other.
You shouldn't need to add this repository to yours, unless you're developing PharoEDA itself. If you're implementing a regular PharoEDA application, this repository is loaded as an indirect dependency.
Anyway, if you need, you can load it via Metacello:
Metacello new repository: 'github://osoco/pharo-eda-api:main'; baseline: #PharoEDAApi; load
- Refactor PharoEDA.