GitHub action to update a wiki-backed website with wiki contents. The wiki should already contain all configuration files related to GitHub pages (_config.yml, stylesheets, templates, etc). It is based on this Action.
See an example implementation here, where the wiki is automatically synced to the gh-pages
: Name of the source wiki repository: username/ or organization/repo.wikiwiki-branch
: (Optional) Wiki repository branch, defaults to "master"user-email
: Email for the git commituser-name
: User name for the git commit.commit-message
: (Optional) commit message for the output repository. ORIGIN_COMMIT is replaced by the URL@commit in the origin repodestination-repository
: (Optional) Name of the destination repository. Defaults to the this repositorydestination-branch
: (Optional) set target branch name for the destination repository. Defaults to "master" for historical reasonstemplate-repository
: (Optional) Name of a template repository, from which to copy files (e.g., Jekyll files) before copying over wiki contents. Otherwise, it is assumed that the wiki repository already has any necessary Jekyll files.template-branch
: (Optional) set branch name for the template repository, if supplied. Defaults to "master" for historical reasons
Generate your personal token following the steps:
- Go to the Github Settings (on the right hand side on the profile picture)
- On the left hand side pane click on "Developer Settings"
- Click on "Personal Access Tokens" (also available at
- Generate a new token, choose "Repo". Copy the token.
Then make the token available to the Github Action following the steps:
- Go to the Github page for the repository that you push from, click on "Settings"
- On the left hand side pane click on "Secrets"
- Click on "Add a new secret" and name it "API_TOKEN_GITHUB"
name: WGCEP wiki-website update
# Controls when the action will run.
# Updates on wiki updates
# Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
# The type of runner that the job will run on
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
- name: Wiki-Website update
uses: opensha/wiki-website-update-action@master
wiki-repository: 'opensha/'
user-email: '[email protected]'
user-name: 'opensha-website-robot'
destination-branch: 'gh-pages'