Explore the impact of demographic factors on the ridership of public transit (light rail and subway(T)) in the Boston area. By Becca Flach, Camille Kawabata, Sally Lee, Sherry Li, Noah Woosley
See our full write up and analysis here
All code for data processing and visualizations is contained in main.rmd.
To run, you will need to obtain API keys for Stadiamaps and Tidycensus, and substitute them into the code.
All necessary data has been downloaded and placed into this repository, and all packages are automatically installed by pacman.
Data Sources:
- pacman
- forcats
- dplyr
- readr
- ggplot2
- sfheaders
- geojsonsf
- sf
- purrr
- ggmap
- ggthemes
- tidycensus
- scales
- patchwork
- tidyverse