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noughtmare committed Sep 10, 2023
1 parent 7421782 commit ccbcfdf
Showing 1 changed file with 69 additions and 54 deletions.
123 changes: 69 additions & 54 deletions experiments/Experiment4.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}

import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
-- import Data.Set (Set)
import Control.Applicative
Expand All @@ -11,16 +13,29 @@ import Test.Tasty.Bench.Fit
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Text (Text)

data CFG = CFG String [(String, [[Symbol]])]
data RHS f a = Pure a | T Char (RHS f a) | NT f (RHS f a) | Or (RHS f a) (RHS f a) | Fail
deriving (Show, Functor)

instance Applicative (RHS f) where
pure = Pure
Pure f <*> k = fmap f k
T c k <*> k' = T c (k <*> k')
NT f k <*> k' = NT f (k <*> k')
Or p q <*> k = Or (p <*> k) (q <*> k)
Fail <*> _ = Fail

instance Alternative (RHS f) where
(<|>) = Or
empty = Fail

data Symbol = T Char | NT String deriving Show
data CFG f = CFG f (f -> RHS f ())

data T3 a b c = T3 !a !b !c deriving Show

data Comm = Comm !String !Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Comm f = Comm !f !Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

newtype Cont a = Cont { getCont :: Text -> Descr -> a -> Command }
instance Show (Cont a) where
newtype Cont f a = Cont { getCont :: Text -> Descr -> a -> Command f }
instance Show (Cont f a) where
show _ = "<Cont>"

data Descr = Descr Slot !Int !Int
Expand All @@ -42,122 +57,122 @@ addRel :: Ord a => a -> b -> Rel a b -> Rel a b
addRel x y (Rel m) = Rel (Map.insertWith (++) x [y] m)

-- newtype U = U (Set Descr)
newtype G = G { getG :: Rel Comm (Slot, Int, Cont ()) } deriving Show
newtype P = P { getP :: Rel Comm Int } deriving Show
newtype G f = G { getG :: Rel (Comm f) (Slot, Int, Cont f ()) } deriving Show
newtype P f = P { getP :: Rel (Comm f) Int } deriving Show

newtype Command = Command { getCommand :: T3 G P Bool -> T3 G P Bool }
newtype Command f = Command { getCommand :: T3 (G f) (P f) Bool -> T3 (G f) (P f) Bool }

newtype M a = M { getM :: Text -> Descr -> Cont a -> Command }
newtype M f a = M { getM :: Text -> Descr -> Cont f a -> Command f }

extents :: String -> M (Maybe [Int])
extents :: Ord f => f -> M f (Maybe [Int])
extents nt = M (\inp dsc@(Descr _ _ i) k ->
Command $ \(T3 g p b) -> -- trace ("extents " ++ show (nt, i)) $
getCommand (getCont k inp dsc (relMay (getP p) (Comm nt i))) (T3 g (P (initRel (Comm nt i) (getP p))) b))

addExtent :: String -> M ()
addExtent :: Ord f => f -> M f ()
addExtent nt = M $ \inp dsc@(Descr _ l i) k ->
Command $ \(T3 g p b) -> -- trace ("addExtent " ++ show (nt, l, i)) $
getCommand (getCont k inp dsc ()) (T3 g (P (addRel (Comm nt l) i (getP p))) b)

resume :: String -> M ()
resume :: Ord f => f -> M f ()
resume nt = M $ \inp (Descr Slot l r) _ ->
Command $ \(T3 g p b) ->
let cnts = rel (getG g) (Comm nt l) in -- trace ("resume " ++ show (nt, l, cnts)) $
foldr (\(s, l', Cont k) go -> go . getCommand (k inp (Descr s l' r) ()))
id cnts (T3 g p b)

addCont :: String -> M () -> M ()
addCont :: Ord f => f -> M f () -> M f ()
addCont nt m = M $ \inp dsc@(Descr s l i) k ->
Command $ \(T3 g p b) -> -- trace ("addCont " ++ show (nt, i)) $
getCommand (getM m inp dsc k) (T3 (G (addRel (Comm nt i) (s, l, k) (getG g))) p b)

match :: Char -> M ()
match :: Char -> M f ()
match c = M $ \inp (Descr (Slot {- nt alpha beta -}) l i) k ->
case Text.uncons inp of
Just (x,inp') | c == x -> getCont k inp' (Descr (Slot {- nt alpha beta -}) l (i + 1)) ()
_ -> {- trace ("match fail: " ++ show c) $ -} Command id
_ -> Command id

skip :: Int -> M ()
skip :: Int -> M f ()
skip r = M $ \inp (Descr s l i) k -> getCont k (Text.drop (r - i) inp) (Descr s l r) ()

descend :: M ()
descend :: M f ()
descend = M $ \inp (Descr Slot _ i) k -> getCont k inp (Descr Slot i i) ()

-- traceI :: String -> M ()
-- traceI msg = M $ \inp dsc@(Descr _ _ i) k -> trace (show i ++ ": " ++ msg) getCont k inp dsc ()

instance Functor M where
instance Functor (M f) where
fmap f (M p) = M $ \inp dsc k -> p inp dsc (Cont (\inp' dsc' x -> getCont k inp' dsc' (f x)))
instance Applicative M where
instance Applicative (M f) where
pure x = M $ \inp dsc k -> getCont k inp dsc x
(<*>) = ap
instance Alternative M where
instance Alternative (M f) where
empty = M $ \_ _ _ -> Command id
M p <|> M q = M $ \inp dsc k -> Command (getCommand (q inp dsc k) . getCommand (p inp dsc k))
instance Monad M where
instance Monad (M f) where
M p >>= k = M $ \inp dsc k' ->
p inp dsc $ Cont $ \inp' dsc' x ->
getM (k x) inp' dsc' k'

(!) :: Eq k => [(k, v)] -> k -> v
xs ! x = case lookup x xs of Just y -> y

parseCFG :: CFG -> Text -> T3 G P Bool
parseCFG :: forall f. Ord f => CFG f -> Text -> T3 (G f) (P f) Bool
parseCFG (CFG nt0 prods) inp0 =
(getM (parseAlts [[NT nt0]]) inp0 (Descr Slot 0 0) final)
(getM (parseRHS (NT nt0 (pure ()))) inp0 (Descr Slot 0 0) final)
(T3 (G (Rel mempty)) (P (Rel mempty)) False) where

final :: Cont ()
final :: Cont f ()
final = Cont $ \inp _ _ -> Command $ \(T3 p g b) -> (T3 p g (b || Text.null inp))

parseAlts :: [[Symbol]] -> M ()
-- parseAlts alts | trace ("Alts " ++ show alts) False = undefined
parseAlts alts = asum (map parseSeq alts)

parseSeq :: [Symbol] -> M ()
-- parseSeq s | trace ("Seq " ++ show s) False = undefined
parseSeq s = foldr (>>) (pure ()) . map parseSym $ s
parseRHS :: RHS f () -> M f ()
parseRHS (Pure ()) = pure ()
parseRHS (T c k) = parseT c *> parseRHS k
parseRHS (NT f k) = parseNT f *> parseRHS k
parseRHS (Or p q) = parseRHS p <|> parseRHS q
parseRHS Fail = empty

parseSym :: Symbol -> M ()
-- parseSym s | trace ("Sym " ++ show s) False = undefined
parseSym (NT nt) = parseNT nt
parseSym (T t) = parseT t

parseNT :: String -> M ()
-- parseNT nt | trace ("NT " ++ show nt) False = undefined
parseNT :: f -> M f ()
parseNT nt = addCont nt $
extents nt >>= \case
Nothing -> do
parseAlts (prods ! nt)
parseRHS (prods nt)
addExtent nt
resume nt
Just rs -> asum (map skip rs)

parseT :: Char -> M ()
parseT :: Char -> M f ()
parseT = match

example :: CFG
example = CFG "E" [("E", [[NT "E", T '+', NT "E"], [T 'a']])]
t :: Char -> RHS f ()
t c = T c (pure ())

nt :: f -> RHS f ()
nt f = NT f (pure ())

data E = E deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

example :: CFG E
example = CFG E $ \E -> nt E *> t '+' *> nt E <|> t 'a'

-- >>> parseCFG example "a+a+a+a+a+a"
-- (G {getG = Rel (fromList [(Comm "E" 0,[(Slot,0,<Cont>),(Slot,0,<Cont>)]),(Comm "E" 2,[(Slot,2,<Cont>),(Slot,0,<Cont>)]),(Comm "E" 4,[(Slot,2,<Cont>),(Slot,4,<Cont>),(Slot,0,<Cont>)]),(Comm "E" 6,[(Slot,0,<Cont>),(Slot,2,<Cont>),(Slot,4,<Cont>),(Slot,6,<Cont>),(Slot,0,<Cont>)]),(Comm "E" 8,[(Slot,0,<Cont>),(Slot,2,<Cont>),(Slot,0,<Cont>),(Slot,0,<Cont>),(Slot,2,<Cont>),(Slot,0,<Cont>),(Slot,4,<Cont>),(Slot,6,<Cont>),(Slot,8,<Cont>),(Slot,0,<Cont>)]),(Comm "E" 10,[(Slot,0,<Cont>),(Slot,2,<Cont>),(Slot,0,<Cont>),(Slot,2,<Cont>),(Slot,0,<Cont>),(Slot,0,<Cont>),(Slot,2,<Cont>),(Slot,0,<Cont>),(Slot,0,<Cont>),(Slot,0,<Cont>),(Slot,2,<Cont>),(Slot,0,<Cont>),(Slot,0,<Cont>),(Slot,2,<Cont>),(Slot,0,<Cont>),(Slot,4,<Cont>),(Slot,0,<Cont>),(Slot,0,<Cont>),(Slot,4,<Cont>),(Slot,0,<Cont>),(Slot,6,<Cont>),(Slot,8,<Cont>),(Slot,10,<Cont>),(Slot,0,<Cont>)])])},P {getP = Rel (fromList [(Comm "E" 0,[11,11,11,11,9,11,11,11,11,9,11,11,11,9,7,11,11,9,11,11,11,11,9,11,11,9,7,5,11,11,11,9,11,11,11,9,7,11,11,9,11,11,11,11,9,11,11,11,9,7,11,11,9,11,11,11,9,11,11,11,9,7,5,3,1]),(Comm "E" 2,[11,11,11,11,9,11,11,11,9,11,11,9,7,11,11,11,9,11,11,9,7,5,3]),(Comm "E" 4,[11,11,11,9,11,11,9,7,5]),(Comm "E" 6,[11,11,9,7]),(Comm "E" 8,[11,9]),(Comm "E" 10,[11])])},True)

example3 :: CFG
example3 = CFG "N" [("N", [[T 'a', NT "N"], []])]
data N = N deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

example3 :: CFG N
example3 = CFG N $ \N -> t 'a' *> nt N <|> pure ()

example4 :: CFG
example4 = CFG "N" [("N", [[NT "N", T 'a'], []])]
example4 :: CFG N
example4 = CFG N $ \N -> nt N *> t 'a' <|> pure ()

-- >>> parseCFG example3 (Text.pack "aaaa")
-- T3 (G {getG = Rel (fromList [(Comm "N" 0,[(Slot,0,<Cont>)]),(Comm "N" 1,[(Slot,0,<Cont>)]),(Comm "N" 2,[(Slot,1,<Cont>)]),(Comm "N" 3,[(Slot,2,<Cont>)]),(Comm "N" 4,[(Slot,3,<Cont>)])])})
-- (P {getP = Rel (fromList [(Comm "N" 0,[0,1,2,3,4]),(Comm "N" 1,[1,2,3,4]),(Comm "N" 2,[2,3,4]),(Comm "N" 3,[3,4]),(Comm "N" 4,[4])])})
-- T3 (G {getG = Rel (fromList [(Comm N 0,[(Slot,0,<Cont>)]),(Comm N 1,[(Slot,0,<Cont>)]),(Comm N 2,[(Slot,1,<Cont>)]),(Comm N 3,[(Slot,2,<Cont>)]),(Comm N 4,[(Slot,3,<Cont>)])])})
-- (P {getP = Rel (fromList [(Comm N 0,[0,1,2,3,4]),(Comm N 1,[1,2,3,4]),(Comm N 2,[2,3,4]),(Comm N 3,[3,4]),(Comm N 4,[4])])})
-- True

-- >>> parseCFG example4 (Text.pack "aaaa")
-- T3 (G {getG = Rel (fromList [(Comm "N" 0,[(Slot,0,<Cont>),(Slot,0,<Cont>)])])})
-- (P {getP = Rel (fromList [(Comm "N" 0,[4,3,2,1,0])])})
-- T3 (G {getG = Rel (fromList [(Comm N 0,[(Slot,0,<Cont>),(Slot,0,<Cont>)])])})
-- (P {getP = Rel (fromList [(Comm N 0,[4,3,2,1,0])])})
-- True

main :: IO ()
Expand All @@ -167,6 +182,6 @@ main = do
result <-
fits $
(\n -> (\(T3 _ _ b) -> b) $ parseCFG example3 (Text.replicate (fromIntegral n) (Text.pack "a")))
(\n -> (\(T3 _ _ b) -> b) $ parseCFG example4 (Text.replicate (fromIntegral n) (Text.pack "a")))
(1000, 1000000)
mapM_ print result

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