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noughtmare committed Jul 30, 2023
1 parent e21c239 commit b968683
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Showing 3 changed files with 89 additions and 88 deletions.
173 changes: 86 additions & 87 deletions experiments/Experiment2.hs
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@@ -1,134 +1,133 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}

import Control.Applicative
import Data.Char
import Data.Type.Equality
-- import Debug.Trace
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Control.Monad
import Data.Some
import Data.GADT.Compare

data P p a = P [P' p a] deriving Functor
deriving instance (forall x. Show (p x)) => Show (P p a)
newtype P p a = P [P' p a] deriving Functor

instance Applicative (P p) where
pure x = P [Pure x]
-- Note that the standard 'P ps <*> P qs = P [p <*> q | p <- ps, q <- qs]'
-- would **not** work because this would combine all the alternatives of
-- the second parser with the first parser.
-- Essentially, that would mean we would have to choose an alternative
-- from the first parser **and** the second parser up front.
-- Instead, it is possible and better to postpone choosing the alternatives
-- of the second parser.
-- In particular, the 'chain' combinator we use below depends on this
-- postponement.
P ps <*> q = asum (map (`go` q) ps) where
go (Pure f) k' = fmap f k'
go (Match c k) k' = P [Match c (k <*> k')]
go (Free x k) k' = P [Free x (flip <$> k <*> k')]

instance Alternative (P p) where
empty = P []
P ps <|> P qs = P (ps ++ qs)
empty = P empty
P ps <|> P qs = P (ps <|> qs)

data P' p a = Pure a | Match Char (P p a) | forall b. Free (p b) (P p (b -> a))
deriving instance Functor (P' p)
instance (forall x. Show (p x)) => Show (P' p a) where
show Pure{} = "Pure"
show (Match c k) = "Match " ++ show c ++ " (" ++ show k ++ ")"
show (Free x k) = "Free " ++ show x ++ " (" ++ show k ++ ")"

char :: Char -> P p Char
char c = P [Match c (pure c)]

send :: p a -> P p a
send x = P [Free x (pure id)]

data SomeNT f = forall a. SomeNT (f a)
instance G f => Eq (SomeNT f) where
SomeNT x == SomeNT y = case cmp x y of Equal{} -> True; _ -> False
instance G f => Ord (SomeNT f) where
compare (SomeNT x) (SomeNT y) = case cmp x y of LessThan -> LT; Equal{} -> EQ; GreaterThan -> GT

parse :: forall f a. (forall x. Show (f x), G f) => (forall x. f x -> P f x) -> f a -> String -> [(a, String)]
parse g p0 xs0 = go mempty xs0 (g p0) where
go :: Set (SomeNT f) -> String -> P f b -> [(b, String)]
-- go _ xs p | traceShow ("parse.go", xs, scry 0 p) False = undefined
parse :: forall f a. (GCompare f) => (forall x. f x -> P f x) -> f a -> String -> [a]
parse g p0 xs0 = map fst $ filter ((== "") . snd) $ go mempty xs0 (g p0) where

-- We use the set 's :: Set (SomeNT f)' to avoid recursing into the same
-- nonterminal indefinitely, which would otherwise happen if the grammar
-- was left-recursive. Of course that means we could miss those parses which
-- would require taking those loops.

-- To account for those, we essentially transform following this general example:
-- X ::= X Y | Z
-- ==>
-- X ::= Z Y*
-- (where * means repeating zero or more times)

-- More concretely, we analyse the grammar, simulating a single
-- left-recursive loop and record how parsing would continue after exiting
-- the loop at that point. Using the 'chain' combinator, we take this
-- continuation and run it zero or more times, thus simulating an arbitrary
-- number of left-recursive loops. We recover the missed parses by appending
-- this chained continuation to the body of each nonterminal we parse.

go :: Set (Some f) -> String -> P f b -> [(b, String)]
go s xs (P ps) = go' s xs =<< ps
go' :: Set (SomeNT f) -> String -> P' f b -> [(b, String)]
-- go' _ xs p | traceShow ("parse.go'", xs, scry' 0 p) False = undefined

go' :: Set (Some f) -> String -> P' f b -> [(b, String)]
go' _ xs (Pure x) = [(x, xs)]
go' _ (x:xs) (Match c k) | c == x = go mempty xs k
go' _ _ Match{} = []
go' s xs (Free x k) | SomeNT x `Set.notMember` s =
(_, l) = analysed x
extended = (g x <**> chain (asum l)) <**> k
-- traceShow ("parse.go' Free", scry 5 extended) $
go (Set.insert (SomeNT x) s) xs extended
go' _ _ Free{} = []

analysed :: f b -> ([b], [P f (b -> b)])
analysed = analyse g
go' s xs (Free x k) | Some x `Set.notMember` s =
go (Set.insert (Some x) s) xs ((g x <**> chain (asum (loops g x))) <**> k)
go' _ _ _ = []

chain p = res where res = pure id <|> (flip (.)) <$> p <*> res

data DOrdering a b = LessThan | Equal (a :~: b) | GreaterThan

class (forall x. Ord (f x)) => G f where
cmp :: f a -> f b -> DOrdering a b

analyse :: forall f a. (forall x. Show (f x), G f) => (forall x. f x -> P f x) -> f a -> ([a], [P f (a -> a)])
analyse g x0 = go mempty (g x0) where
go :: Set (SomeNT f) -> P f b -> ([b], [P f (a -> b)])
-- go _ p | traceShow ("analyse.go", scry 0 p) False = undefined
-- TODO: what if 'p' accepts the empty string?

-- | Find left-recursive loops in the grammar definition
-- For each such loop, return the parser fragment that we would enter after
-- running one loop iteration and exiting the loop.
loops :: forall f a. (GCompare f) => (forall x. f x -> P f x) -> f a -> [P f (a -> a)]
loops g x0 = go mempty (g x0) where
go :: Set (Some f) -> P f b -> [P f (a -> b)]
go s (P ps) = foldMap (go' s) ps

go' :: Set (SomeNT f) -> P' f b -> ([b], [P f (a -> b)])
-- go' _ p | traceShow ("analyse.go'", scry' 0 p) False = undefined
go' _ (Pure x) = ([x], [])
go' :: Set (Some f) -> P' f b -> [P f (a -> b)]
go' s (Free x k)
| Equal Refl <- cmp x x0 = ([], [k])
| SomeNT x `Set.notMember` s = go (Set.insert (SomeNT x) s) (g x <**> k)
| otherwise = ([], [])
go' _ Match{} = ([], [])

scry :: Int -> P f a -> P f a
scry n0 (P xs) = P (map (scry' n0) xs) where

scry' :: Int -> P' f a -> P' f a
scry' _ (Pure x) = Pure x
scry' 0 (Match c _) = Match c empty
scry' n (Match c k) = Match c (scry (n - 1) k)
scry' 0 (Free x _) = Free x empty
scry' n (Free x k) = Free x (scry (n - 1) k)
| GEQ <- gcompare x x0 = [k]
| Some x `Set.notMember` s = go (Set.insert (Some x) s) (g x <**> k)
-- TODO: what if 'x' accepts the empty string?
go' _ _ = []

data Gram a where
Digit :: Gram Int
Number :: Gram Int
deriving instance Eq (Gram a)
deriving instance Ord (Gram a)
deriving instance Show (Gram a)

instance G Gram where
cmp Digit Digit = Equal Refl
cmp Digit Number = LessThan
cmp Number Number = Equal Refl
cmp Number Digit = GreaterThan
instance GEq Gram where
geq Digit Digit = Just Refl
geq Number Number = Just Refl
geq _ _ = Nothing

instance GCompare Gram where
gcompare Digit Digit = GEQ
gcompare Digit Number = GLT
gcompare Number Number = GEQ
gcompare Number Digit = GGT

-- >>> parse gram Number "314"
-- [314]

gram :: Gram a -> P Gram a
gram Digit = asum [n <$ char (intToDigit n) | n <- [0..9]]
gram Number = send Digit <|> (\hd d -> hd * 10 + d) <$> send Number <*> send Digit

-- >>> parse gram Number "314"

data E a where
E :: Int -> Int -> E Expr
deriving instance Eq (E a)
deriving instance Ord (E a)
deriving instance Show (E a)

instance G E where
cmp (E a b) (E c d)
| a < c || a == c && b < d = LessThan
| a == c && b == d = Equal Refl
| otherwise = GreaterThan
instance GEq E where
geq (E a b) (E c d)
| a == c && b == d = Just Refl
| otherwise = Nothing

instance GCompare E where
gcompare (E a b) (E c d)
| a < c || a == c && b < d = GLT
| a == c && b == d = GEQ
| otherwise = GGT

data Expr = Neg Expr | Mul Expr Expr | Add Expr Expr | ITE Expr Expr Expr | A
data Expr = Neg Expr | Expr :*: Expr | Expr :+: Expr | ITE Expr Expr Expr | A
deriving Show

string :: String -> P p String
Expand All @@ -137,14 +136,14 @@ string [] = pure ""

gramE :: E a -> P E a
gramE (E l r) =
Neg <$ guard (4 >= l) <* char '-' <*> send (E l 4)
<|> Mul <$ guard (3 >= r && 3 >= l) <*> send (E 3 3) <* char '*' <*> send (E l 4)
<|> Add <$ guard (2 >= r && 2 >= l) <*> send (E 2 2) <* char '+' <*> send (E l 3)
<|> ITE <$ guard (1 >= l) <* string "if " <*> send (E 0 0) <* string " then " <*> send (E 0 0) <* string " else " <*> send (E 0 0)
<|> A <$ char 'a'
Neg <$ guard (4 >= l) <* char '-' <*> send (E l 4)
<|> (:*:) <$ guard (3 >= r && 3 >= l) <*> send (E 3 3) <* char '*' <*> send (E l 4)
<|> (:+:) <$ guard (2 >= r && 2 >= l) <*> send (E 2 2) <* char '+' <*> send (E l 3)
<|> ITE <$ guard (1 >= l) <* string "if " <*> send (E 0 0) <* string " then " <*> send (E 0 0) <* string " else " <*> send (E 0 0)
<|> A <$ char 'a'

-- >>> parse gramE (E 0 0) "if a+a then -a else a*a+a"
-- [(ITE (Add A A) (Neg A) (Mul A A),"+a"),(ITE (Add A A) (Neg A) (Add (Mul A A) A),""),(ITE (Add A A) (Neg A) A,"*a+a")]
-- >>> parse gramE (E 0 0) "if a+a then -a else a+a*-a+a"
-- [ITE (A :+: A) (Neg A) ((A :+: (A :*: Neg A)) :+: A)]

main :: IO ()
main = print $ parse gramE (E 0 0) "if a+a then -a else a*a+a"
main = print $ parse gramE (E 0 0) "if a+a then -a else a+a*-a+a"
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion gigaparsec.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,4 +57,4 @@ executable gpc-experiment2
import: common
main-is: Experiment2.hs
hs-source-dirs: experiments
build-depends: containers
build-depends: containers, some
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions hie.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

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