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WIP work on EPNs and decoding
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noughtmare committed Apr 29, 2023
1 parent 1222fd8 commit 9ee87fb
Showing 1 changed file with 88 additions and 44 deletions.
132 changes: 88 additions & 44 deletions src/Gigaparsec/Core.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ import Data.Functor.Compose ( Compose(Compose) )
import Control.Applicative.Free ( hoistAp, Ap(..) )
import Data.Proxy ( Proxy(..) )
import Data.Char (intToDigit)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Type.Equality
import Debug.Trace

data (f + g) a = L (f a) | R (g a) deriving Show

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,11 +101,12 @@ newtype G f g = G { lookupG :: forall a. f a -> Alt (Match + g) a }
data Slot f a = forall b.
!(f a) -- ^ The name of the current nonterminal
(Pa (Match + f) b a) -- ^ The processed dependencies
(Ap (Match + f) b) -- ^ The actions that still need to be done

instance (forall x. (Show (f x))) => Show (Slot f a) where
show (Slot x y z) = "(Slot (" ++ show x ++ ") (" ++ show y ++ ") (" ++ showAp z ++ "))"
show (Slot x i y z) = "(Slot (" ++ show x ++ ") " ++ show i ++ " (" ++ show y ++ ") (" ++ showAp z ++ "))"

data Descriptor f = forall a.
Expand All @@ -127,20 +131,21 @@ instance OrdF f => Ord (SomeF f) where
compare (SomeF x) (SomeF y) = compareF x y

compareSlot :: OrdF f => Slot f a -> Slot f b -> Ordering
compareSlot (Slot x1 x2 x3) (Slot y1 y2 y3) = compareF x1 y1 <> comparePa x2 y2 <> compareAp x3 y3
compareSlot (Slot x1 x2 x3 x4) (Slot y1 y2 y3 y4) = compareF x1 y1 <> compare x2 y2 <> comparePa x3 y3 <> compareAp x4 y4

compareDescriptor :: OrdF f => Descriptor f -> Descriptor f -> Ordering
compareDescriptor (Descriptor x1 x2 x3 _) (Descriptor y1 y2 y3 _) = compareSlot x1 y1 <> compare x2 y2 <> compare x3 y3

initialDescriptor :: f a -> String -> Ap (Match + f) a -> Descriptor f
initialDescriptor nt xs act = Descriptor (Slot nt Erup act) 0 0 xs
initialDescriptor :: f a -> Int -> String -> Ap (Match + f) a -> Descriptor f
initialDescriptor nt i xs act = Descriptor (Slot nt i Erup act) 0 0 xs

data EPN n = forall a.
data EPN f = forall a.
!(Slot n a)
!(Slot f a)
!Int -- ^ left extent
!Int -- ^ previous pivot
!Int -- ^ pivot
deriving instance (forall x. Show (f x)) => Show (EPN f)

newtype WaitForAscend f = WA (Map (SomeF f, Int) [Int -> String -> Descriptor f])

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,59 +173,92 @@ insertWD nt k x (WD m) = WD (Map.insertWith (++) (SomeF nt, k) [x] m)
-- consider discarding the Pa data structure and just store a list of results in the descriptors (that might remove the need for EPNs?)
-- when comparing the 'Pure' case we must always assume that they are different and just append the two input lists to form the result.
parse :: forall a f g. (OrdF f, g < f) => Gram f -> g a -> String -> Set (Descriptor f)
parse g z xs0 = go Set.empty emptyWA emptyWD (map (initialDescriptor (inj z) xs0) (alternatives (lookupG g (inj z)))) where
go :: Set (Descriptor f) -> WaitForAscend f -> WaitForDescend f -> [Descriptor f] -> Set (Descriptor f)
parse :: forall a f g. (OrdF f, g < f) => Gram f -> g a -> String -> (Set (Descriptor f), [EPN f])
parse g z xs0 = go Set.empty [] emptyWA emptyWD (zipWith (\i -> initialDescriptor (inj z) i xs0) [0..] (alternatives (lookupG g (inj z)))) where
go :: Set (Descriptor f) -> [EPN f] -> WaitForAscend f -> WaitForDescend f -> [Descriptor f] -> (Set (Descriptor f), [EPN f])

-- If we've already processed this descriptor then we can skip it
go u wa wd (d : rs) | d `Set.member` u = go u wa wd rs
go u e wa wd (d : rs) | d `Set.member` u = go u e wa wd rs

-- If we're currently 'Match'ing a character and that character appears in the input text then we can continue
go u wa wd (d@(Descriptor (Slot x ds (Ap (L (Match c)) r)) l k xs) : rs)
| c' : xs' <- xs, c == c' = go (Set.insert d u) wa wd (Descriptor (Slot x (Pa ds (L (Match c))) r) l (k + 1) xs' : rs)
go u e wa wd (d@(Descriptor (Slot x i ds (Ap (L (Match c)) r)) l k xs) : rs)
| c' : xs' <- xs, c == c' = let slot' = Slot x i (Pa ds (L (Match c))) r in go (Set.insert d u) (EPN slot' l k (k + 1) : e) wa wd (Descriptor slot' l (k + 1) xs' : rs)
-- otherwise we skip this descriptor
| otherwise = go u wa wd rs
| otherwise = go u e wa wd rs

-- If we're descending into a nonterminal then we check if something was already waiting for us to descend.
go u wa wd (d@(Descriptor (Slot x ds (Ap (R nt) next)) l k xs) : rs)
= go (Set.insert d u) (insertWA nt k (Descriptor (Slot x (Pa ds (R nt)) next) l) wa) wd $
case lookupWD wd nt k of
-- If nothing was waiting for this then we start descending by adding initial descriptors the nonterminal we are descending into.
[] -> [ Descriptor (Slot nt Erup acts) k k xs | acts <- alternatives (lookupG g nt) ] ++ rs
-- If something was waiting for us then we can take over where they left off.
_ -> [ Descriptor (Slot x (Pa ds (R nt)) next) l r xs' | (r, xs') <- lookupWD wd nt k ] ++ rs
go u e wa wd (d@(Descriptor (Slot x i ds (Ap (R nt) next)) l k xs) : rs) =
case lookupWD wd nt k of
-- If nothing was waiting for this then we start descending by adding initial descriptors the nonterminal we are descending into.
[] -> go (Set.insert d u) e (insertWA nt k (Descriptor (Slot x i (Pa ds (R nt)) next) l) wa) wd $
[ Descriptor (Slot nt i' Erup acts) k k xs | (i', acts) <- zip [0..] (alternatives (lookupG g nt)) ] ++ rs
-- If something was waiting for us then we can take over where they left off.
waiting ->
slot = Slot x i (Pa ds (R nt)) next
go (Set.insert d u) ([EPN slot l k r | (r,_) <- waiting] ++ e) (insertWA nt k (Descriptor slot l) wa) wd $
[ Descriptor slot l r xs' | (r, xs') <- waiting ] ++ rs

-- If we have reached the end of a descriptor then we ascend.
go u wa wd (d@(Descriptor (Slot x _ (Pure _)) k r xs) : rs)
= go (Set.insert d u) wa (insertWD x k (r, xs) wd)
([ f r xs | f <- lookupWA wa x k ] ++ rs)
go u e wa wd (d@(Descriptor slot@(Slot x i ds (Pure _)) k r xs) : rs)
= go (Set.insert d u) (concat [e1, e2, e]) wa (insertWD x k (r, xs) wd) (waiting ++ rs)
e1 :: [EPN f]
e1 =
case ds of
Erup -> [EPN slot k r r]
_ -> []
waiting = [ f r xs | f <- lookupWA wa x k ]
e2 :: [EPN f]
e2 = [ EPN slot' l k r | Descriptor slot' l _ _ <- waiting]

-- If we have no more work then parsing is done!
go u _ _ [] = u

-- TODO: reimplement a correct decoding function
-- decode :: forall a f. Set (Descriptor f) -> f a -> Int -> Int -> [a]
-- decode ds0 = lookupM where
-- m :: Map (n, Int, Int) [Any]
-- m = Map.fromListWith (++)
-- [ ((x, l, r), map unsafeCoerce (go ds [a]))
-- | Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot nt _ _ ds (Pure a)) l r _) <- Set.toList ds0
-- ]
-- lookupM :: forall c. f c -> Int -> Int -> [c]
-- lookupM nt l r = maybe [] (map unsafeCoerce) (m Map.!? (n, l, r))
go u e _ _ [] = (u, e)

class EqF f where
eqF :: f a -> f b -> Maybe (a :~: b)
instance (EqF f, EqF g) => EqF (f + g) where
eqF (L x) (L y) = eqF x y
eqF (R x) (R y) = eqF x y
eqF _ _ = Nothing

decode :: forall f a. (forall x. Show (f x), EqF f) => f a -> Int -> [EPN f] -> [a]
decode nt0 r0 ds0 = go0 (Pa Erup nt0) 0 r0 where
go0 :: forall a b. Pa f (a -> b) b -> Int -> Int -> [a]
go0 (Pa Erup nt) l r = do
EPN (Slot nt' _ pa (Pure x)) l' k' r' <- ds0
case eqF nt n't of
Just Refl -> _ $ go0 pa _ _
_ -> []

-- bind :: forall c r. (Show (f c)) => f c -> Int -> (Int -> c -> [r]) -> [r]
-- bind nt r _ | trace ("bind " ++ show nt ++ ", " ++ show r) False = undefined
-- bind nt r kont = do
-- EPN (Slot nt' _ pa (Pure x)) _ k r' <- ds0
-- case eqF nt nt' of
-- Just Refl | r == r' -> uncurry kont =<< go pa k x
-- _ -> []
-- go :: forall b c. Deps f b c -> [c] -> [b]
-- go Self x = x
-- go (Dep n l r xs) fs = go xs $ fs <*> lookupM n l r
-- go :: forall b a. (forall x. Show (f x)) => Pa (Match + f) b a -> Int -> b -> [(Int, a)]
-- go pa k _ | trace ("go " ++ show pa ++ ", " ++ show k) False = undefined
-- go pa k x =
-- case pa of
-- Erup -> [(k, x)]
-- Pa pa' (L Match{}) -> go pa' (k - 1) (x ())
-- Pa pa' (R y) -> bind y k (\k' c -> go pa' k' (x c))

data End a deriving (Show)
instance EqF End where
eqF x _ = case x of
instance OrdF End where
compareF x _ = case x of

data Number a where
Number :: Number Int
deriving instance Show (Number a)
instance EqF Number where
eqF Number Number = Just Refl
instance OrdF Number where
compareF Number Number = EQ

Expand All @@ -230,6 +268,8 @@ number = send Number
data Digit a where
Digit :: Digit Int
deriving instance Show (Digit a)
instance EqF Digit where
eqF Digit Digit = Just Refl
instance OrdF Digit where
compareF Digit Digit = EQ

Expand All @@ -241,7 +281,8 @@ digit = send Digit
data Expr a where
Expr :: Expr Int
deriving instance Show (Expr a)

instance EqF Expr where
eqF Expr Expr = Just Refl
instance OrdF Expr where
compareF Expr Expr = EQ

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -277,8 +318,11 @@ gram = G (\Expr -> (+) <$> expr <* match '+' <*> expr <|> number)
<||> G (\Digit -> asum [x <$ match (intToDigit x) | x <- [0..9]])
<||> end

ex1 :: Set (Descriptor (Expr + Number + Digit + End))
ex1 = parse gram Expr "123+456"
ex1 :: (Set (Descriptor (Expr + Number + Digit + End)), [EPN (Expr + Number + Digit + End)])
ex1 = parse gram Expr "1+2+3"

-- >>> snd ex1
-- [EPN (Slot (L Expr) 0 (Pa (Pa (Pa Erup (R (L Expr))) (L (Match '+'))) (R (L Expr))) (Pure)) 0 4 5,EPN (Slot (L Expr) 0 (Pa (Pa Erup (R (L Expr))) (L (Match '+'))) ((Ap (R (L Expr)) (Pure)))) 0 3 4,EPN (Slot (L Expr) 0 (Pa Erup (R (L Expr))) ((Ap (L (Match '+')) ((Ap (R (L Expr)) (Pure)))))) 0 0 3,EPN (Slot (L Expr) 0 (Pa Erup (R (L Expr))) ((Ap (L (Match '+')) ((Ap (R (L Expr)) (Pure)))))) 0 0 5,EPN (Slot (L Expr) 0 (Pa Erup (R (L Expr))) ((Ap (L (Match '+')) ((Ap (R (L Expr)) (Pure)))))) 2 2 5,EPN (Slot (L Expr) 0 (Pa (Pa (Pa Erup (R (L Expr))) (L (Match '+'))) (R (L Expr))) (Pure)) 0 2 5,EPN (Slot (L Expr) 0 (Pa Erup (R (L Expr))) ((Ap (L (Match '+')) ((Ap (R (L Expr)) (Pure)))))) 4 4 5,EPN (Slot (L Expr) 0 (Pa (Pa (Pa Erup (R (L Expr))) (L (Match '+'))) (R (L Expr))) (Pure)) 2 4 5,EPN (Slot (R (L Number)) 0 (Pa Erup (R (R (L Number)))) ((Ap (R (R (R (L Digit)))) (Pure)))) 4 4 5,EPN (Slot (L Expr) 1 (Pa Erup (R (R (L Number)))) (Pure)) 4 4 5,EPN (Slot (R (L Number)) 1 (Pa Erup (R (R (R (L Digit))))) (Pure)) 4 4 5,EPN (Slot (R (R (L Digit))) 3 (Pa Erup (L (Match '3'))) (Pure)) 4 4 5,EPN (Slot (L Expr) 0 (Pa (Pa Erup (R (L Expr))) (L (Match '+'))) ((Ap (R (L Expr)) (Pure)))) 2 3 4,EPN (Slot (L Expr) 0 (Pa Erup (R (L Expr))) ((Ap (L (Match '+')) ((Ap (R (L Expr)) (Pure)))))) 2 2 3,EPN (Slot (L Expr) 0 (Pa (Pa (Pa Erup (R (L Expr))) (L (Match '+'))) (R (L Expr))) (Pure)) 0 2 3,EPN (Slot (R (L Number)) 0 (Pa Erup (R (R (L Number)))) ((Ap (R (R (R (L Digit)))) (Pure)))) 2 2 3,EPN (Slot (L Expr) 1 (Pa Erup (R (R (L Number)))) (Pure)) 2 2 3,EPN (Slot (R (L Number)) 1 (Pa Erup (R (R (R (L Digit))))) (Pure)) 2 2 3,EPN (Slot (R (R (L Digit))) 2 (Pa Erup (L (Match '2'))) (Pure)) 2 2 3,EPN (Slot (L Expr) 0 (Pa (Pa Erup (R (L Expr))) (L (Match '+'))) ((Ap (R (L Expr)) (Pure)))) 0 1 2,EPN (Slot (L Expr) 0 (Pa Erup (R (L Expr))) ((Ap (L (Match '+')) ((Ap (R (L Expr)) (Pure)))))) 0 0 1,EPN (Slot (R (L Number)) 0 (Pa Erup (R (R (L Number)))) ((Ap (R (R (R (L Digit)))) (Pure)))) 0 0 1,EPN (Slot (L Expr) 1 (Pa Erup (R (R (L Number)))) (Pure)) 0 0 1,EPN (Slot (R (L Number)) 1 (Pa Erup (R (R (R (L Digit))))) (Pure)) 0 0 1,EPN (Slot (R (R (L Digit))) 1 (Pa Erup (L (Match '1'))) (Pure)) 0 0 1]

-- >>> ex1
-- fromList [Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (L Expr) (Erup) ((Ap (R (L Expr)) ((Ap (L (Match '+')) ((Ap (R (L Expr)) (Pure)))))))) 0 0 "123+456"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (L Expr) (Erup) ((Ap (R (L Expr)) ((Ap (L (Match '+')) ((Ap (R (L Expr)) (Pure)))))))) 4 4 "456"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (L Expr) (Erup) ((Ap (R (R (L Number))) (Pure)))) 0 0 "123+456"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (L Expr) (Erup) ((Ap (R (R (L Number))) (Pure)))) 4 4 "456"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (L Expr) (Pa (Pa Erup (R (L Expr))) (L (Match '+'))) ((Ap (R (L Expr)) (Pure)))) 0 4 "456"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (L Expr) (Pa Erup (R (L Expr))) ((Ap (L (Match '+')) ((Ap (R (L Expr)) (Pure)))))) 0 3 "+456"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (L Expr) (Pa (Pa (Pa Erup (R (L Expr))) (L (Match '+'))) (R (L Expr))) (Pure)) 0 5 "56"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (L Expr) (Pa (Pa (Pa Erup (R (L Expr))) (L (Match '+'))) (R (L Expr))) (Pure)) 0 6 "6"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (L Expr) (Pa (Pa (Pa Erup (R (L Expr))) (L (Match '+'))) (R (L Expr))) (Pure)) 0 7 ""),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (L Expr) (Pa Erup (R (R (L Number)))) (Pure)) 0 1 "23+456"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (L Expr) (Pa Erup (R (R (L Number)))) (Pure)) 0 2 "3+456"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (L Expr) (Pa Erup (R (R (L Number)))) (Pure)) 0 3 "+456"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (L Expr) (Pa Erup (R (R (L Number)))) (Pure)) 4 5 "56"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (L Expr) (Pa Erup (R (R (L Number)))) (Pure)) 4 6 "6"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (L Expr) (Pa Erup (R (R (L Number)))) (Pure)) 4 7 ""),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (R (L Number)) (Erup) ((Ap (R (R (L Number))) ((Ap (R (R (R (L Digit)))) (Pure)))))) 0 0 "123+456"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (R (L Number)) (Erup) ((Ap (R (R (L Number))) ((Ap (R (R (R (L Digit)))) (Pure)))))) 4 4 "456"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (R (L Number)) (Erup) ((Ap (R (R (R (L Digit)))) (Pure)))) 0 0 "123+456"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (R (L Number)) (Erup) ((Ap (R (R (R (L Digit)))) (Pure)))) 4 4 "456"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (R (L Number)) (Pa Erup (R (R (L Number)))) ((Ap (R (R (R (L Digit)))) (Pure)))) 0 1 "23+456"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (R (L Number)) (Pa Erup (R (R (L Number)))) ((Ap (R (R (R (L Digit)))) (Pure)))) 0 2 "3+456"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (R (L Number)) (Pa Erup (R (R (L Number)))) ((Ap (R (R (R (L Digit)))) (Pure)))) 0 3 "+456"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (R (L Number)) (Pa Erup (R (R (L Number)))) ((Ap (R (R (R (L Digit)))) (Pure)))) 4 5 "56"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (R (L Number)) (Pa Erup (R (R (L Number)))) ((Ap (R (R (R (L Digit)))) (Pure)))) 4 6 "6"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (R (L Number)) (Pa Erup (R (R (L Number)))) ((Ap (R (R (R (L Digit)))) (Pure)))) 4 7 ""),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (R (L Number)) (Pa Erup (R (R (R (L Digit))))) (Pure)) 0 1 "23+456"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (R (L Number)) (Pa Erup (R (R (R (L Digit))))) (Pure)) 4 5 "56"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (R (L Number)) (Pa (Pa Erup (R (R (L Number)))) (R (R (R (L Digit))))) (Pure)) 0 2 "3+456"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (R (L Number)) (Pa (Pa Erup (R (R (L Number)))) (R (R (R (L Digit))))) (Pure)) 0 3 "+456"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (R (L Number)) (Pa (Pa Erup (R (R (L Number)))) (R (R (R (L Digit))))) (Pure)) 4 6 "6"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (R (L Number)) (Pa (Pa Erup (R (R (L Number)))) (R (R (R (L Digit))))) (Pure)) 4 7 ""),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (R (R (L Digit))) (Erup) ((Ap (L (Match '1')) (Pure)))) 0 0 "123+456"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (R (R (L Digit))) (Erup) ((Ap (L (Match '2')) (Pure)))) 1 1 "23+456"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (R (R (L Digit))) (Erup) ((Ap (L (Match '3')) (Pure)))) 2 2 "3+456"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (R (R (L Digit))) (Erup) ((Ap (L (Match '4')) (Pure)))) 4 4 "456"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (R (R (L Digit))) (Erup) ((Ap (L (Match '5')) (Pure)))) 5 5 "56"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (R (R (L Digit))) (Erup) ((Ap (L (Match '6')) (Pure)))) 6 6 "6"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (R (R (L Digit))) (Pa Erup (L (Match '1'))) (Pure)) 0 1 "23+456"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (R (R (L Digit))) (Pa Erup (L (Match '2'))) (Pure)) 1 2 "3+456"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (R (R (L Digit))) (Pa Erup (L (Match '3'))) (Pure)) 2 3 "+456"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (R (R (L Digit))) (Pa Erup (L (Match '4'))) (Pure)) 4 5 "56"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (R (R (L Digit))) (Pa Erup (L (Match '5'))) (Pure)) 5 6 "6"),Descriptor (Descriptor (Slot (R (R (L Digit))) (Pa Erup (L (Match '6'))) (Pure)) 6 7 "")]
-- >>> decode (inj Expr) 5 $ snd ex1
-- []

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