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noughtmare committed May 1, 2023
1 parent 58707fc commit 8e6f045
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Showing 2 changed files with 59 additions and 43 deletions.
33 changes: 27 additions & 6 deletions examples/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,11 +48,32 @@ data Many p a where
data ReplicateM p a where
ReplicateM :: Int -> p a -> ReplicateM p [a]

gram :: Gram (Expr + Number + Digit + End)
gram = G (\Expr -> (+) <$> expr <* match '+' <*> expr <|> (*) <$> expr <* match '*' <*> expr <|> number)
<||> G (\Number -> (\x y -> 10 * x + y) <$> number <*> digit <|> digit)
<||> G (\Digit -> asum [x <$ match (intToDigit x) | x <- [0..9]])
<||> end
data NDots a where
NDots :: Int -> NDots ()
deriving instance Show (NDots a)
instance EqF NDots where
eqF (NDots x) (NDots y) | x == y = Just Refl
eqF _ _ = Nothing
instance OrdF NDots where
compareF (NDots x) (NDots y) = compare x y

ndots :: (NDots < g) => Int -> Alt g ()
ndots n = send (NDots n)

gram :: Gram (Expr + Number + Digit + NDots + End)
gram =
G (\Expr ->
(+) <$> expr <* match '+' <*> expr <|>
(*) <$> expr <* match '*' <*> expr <|>
number <|>
(number >>= \n -> n <$ ndots n)) <||>
G (\Number -> (\x y -> 10 * x + y) <$> number <*> digit <|> digit) <||>
G (\Digit -> asum [x <$ match (intToDigit x) | x <- [0..9]]) <||>
G (\(NDots n) -> if n == 1 then match '.' else match '.' *> ndots (n - 1)) <||>

main :: IO ()
main = print (parse gram (inj Expr) "1+2*3")
main = do
print (parse gram Expr "3..")
print (parse gram Expr "3...")
print (parse gram Expr "3....")
69 changes: 32 additions & 37 deletions src/Gigaparsec/Core.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ module Gigaparsec.Core where -- (parse, match, send, G(G), Gram, (<||>), type (+
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Functor.Compose ( Compose(Compose) )
-- import Control.Applicative.Free ( Ap(..) )
-- import Control.Monad.Free ( Free(..) )
import Data.Proxy ( Proxy(..) )
import Data.Type.Equality
import qualified Data.List as List
Expand All @@ -26,7 +24,7 @@ import GHC.Exts (Any)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import Data.List (foldl')
import Control.Applicative (Alternative)
import Debug.Trace (traceShow)
-- import Debug.Trace (traceShow)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Control.Monad (ap, (>=>))
Expand All @@ -44,7 +42,7 @@ instance In (Equal f g) f g h => f < (g + h) where
inj = injIn (Proxy :: Proxy (Equal f g))

class In b f g h where
injIn :: Proxy b -> f a -> (g + h) a
injIn :: Proxy b -> f a -> (g + h) a

instance (f ~ g) => In True f g h where
injIn Proxy = L
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,8 +143,7 @@ type Gram f = G f f
end :: G End g
end = G (\case)

-- optimization idea: infer follow restrictions from grammar definition
-- to prune branches earlier
-- optimization idea: infer follow restrictions from grammar definition to prune branches earlier

-- naiveDFS :: forall f g a. g < f => Gram f -> g a -> String -> [(a, String)]
-- naiveDFS (G g) nt0 xs0 = (`go` xs0) =<< alternatives (g (inj nt0)) where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -189,33 +186,26 @@ myLookup nt i x (MyMap m) =
data PState f = PState !Int !(MyMap f) ![Cursor f]
deriving instance (forall x. Show (f x), Show (SomeF f)) => Show (PState f)

initialPState :: Gram f -> f a -> PState f
initialPState (G g) nt = PState 0 myEmpty [Cursor nt 0 aps | aps <- alternatives $ g nt]

-- The Set SomeF approach I'm using is too restrictive. I've tried to call myInsert regardless of the check but that is not restrictive enough.
-- Instead I suspect an approach that works is to annotate each cursor by a path indicating which alternatives have been chosen
-- Then that path can be used to avoid reevaluating the same cursor multiple times.

step :: forall f. (OrdF f) => Gram f -> Char -> PState f -> PState f
step (G g) c (PState i wa0 alts0) = uncurry (PState (i + 1)) $ bimap fst concat (List.mapAccumL stepAp (wa0, Set.empty) alts0) where
stepAp :: (MyMap f, Set (SomeF f)) -> Cursor f -> ((MyMap f, Set (SomeF f)), [Cursor f])
-- | traceShow ("stepAp", cursor) False = undefined
stepAp (wa,done) (Cursor nt j alt) =
case alt of
Pure x ->
second concat $ List.mapAccumL stepAp (wa,done) $ myLookup nt j x wa
FreeF (L (Match c')) k
| c == c' -> ((wa, done), Cursor nt j <$> alternatives (k ()))
| otherwise -> ((wa, done), [])
FreeF (R nt') k
| Set.notMember (SomeF nt') done ->
let wa' = myInsert nt' i (\x -> Cursor nt j <$> alternatives (k x)) wa
in second concat $ List.mapAccumL stepAp (wa', Set.insert (SomeF nt') done) [Cursor nt' i alts | alts <- alternatives $ g nt']
| otherwise -> ((wa, done), [])

-- isPure :: Ap f a -> Bool
-- isPure Pure{} = True
-- isPure _ = False
-- FIXME: there are still problems with epsilon productions.

step :: (OrdF f) => Gram f -> Char -> PState f -> PState f
step (G g) c (PState i wa0 alts0) =
uncurry (PState (i + 1)) $ bimap fst concat (List.mapAccumL (stepF g c i) (wa0, Set.empty) alts0)

stepF :: OrdF f => (forall x. f x -> Alt (Match + f) x) -> Char -> Int -> (MyMap f, Set (SomeF f)) -> Cursor f -> ((MyMap f, Set (SomeF f)), [Cursor f])
-- | traceShow ("stepF", cursor) False = undefined
stepF g c i = go where
go (wa,done) (Cursor nt j alt) =
case alt of
Pure x ->
second concat $ List.mapAccumL go (wa,done) $ myLookup nt j x wa
FreeF (L (Match c')) k
| c == c' -> ((wa, done), Cursor nt j <$> alternatives (k ()))
| otherwise -> ((wa, done), [])
FreeF (R nt') k ->
let wa' = myInsert nt' i (\x -> Cursor nt j <$> alternatives (k x)) wa in
second concat $ List.mapAccumL go (wa', Set.insert (SomeF nt') done)
[Cursor nt' i alts | Set.notMember (SomeF nt') done, alts <- alternatives $ g nt']

successes :: (EqF f, OrdF f) => PState f -> f a -> [a]
successes (PState _ wa cs0) nt0 = go cs0 where
Expand All @@ -227,7 +217,12 @@ successes (PState _ wa cs0) nt0 = go cs0 where
go (_ : cs) = go cs

traceShowIt :: Show b => b -> b
traceShowIt x = traceShow x x

parse :: (forall x. Show (f x), EqF f, OrdF f) => Gram f -> f a -> String -> [a]
parse g nt xs = successes (foldl' (\s c -> traceShowIt $ step g c s) (initialPState g nt) xs) nt
traceShowIt x = x -- traceShow x x

parse :: (forall x. Show (f x), EqF f, OrdF f, g < f) => Gram f -> g a -> String -> [a]
parse (G g) nt [] = successes (PState 0 myEmpty [Cursor (inj nt) 0 alts | alts <- alternatives $ g (inj nt)]) (inj nt)
parse g nt (c:cs) = successes (foldl' (\s c' -> traceShowIt $ step g c' s) (traceShowIt (initialPState g (inj nt) c)) cs) (inj nt)
initialPState (G g) nt c = uncurry (PState 1) $ bimap fst concat $
List.mapAccumL (stepF g c 0) (myEmpty, Set.singleton (SomeF nt))
[Cursor nt 0 aps | aps <- alternatives $ g nt]

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