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noughtmare committed Apr 11, 2023
1 parent 99993c9 commit 7ce7cb0
Showing 1 changed file with 51 additions and 62 deletions.
113 changes: 51 additions & 62 deletions src/Gigaparsec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,22 +7,23 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}

module Gigaparsec ( Parser, reify, nt, parse, decode, char ) where

import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Control.Applicative (Alternative)
import Unsafe.Coerce ( unsafeCoerce )
import Data.Functor.Compose ( Compose(Compose) )
import Data.Reify ( reifyGraph, MuRef(..), Graph(Graph), Unique )
import GHC.Exts (Any)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
-- import Debug.RecoverRTTI ( anythingToString )
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Kind

data ActionF a f = AscendF a | MatchF Char (ActionF a f) | forall b. DescendF f (ActionF (b -> a) f)
instance Show f => Show (ActionF a f) where
Expand All @@ -31,62 +32,56 @@ instance Show f => Show (ActionF a f) where
show (DescendF x xs) = "(DescendF " ++ show x ++ " " ++ show xs ++ ")"
data ListF a f = Nil | Cons (a f) (ListF a f) deriving Show

data Action' a = Ascend' a | Match' Char (Action' a) | forall b. Descend' (Actions b) (Action' (b -> a))
deriving instance Functor Action'
newtype Actions a = Actions [Action' a]
deriving (Functor)
deriving (Applicative, Alternative) via (Compose [] Action')

instance Applicative Action' where
pure = Ascend'
Ascend' f <*> x = fmap f x
Match' c k1 <*> k2 = Match' c (k1 <*> k2)
Descend' n k1 <*> k2 = Descend' n (flip <$> k1 <*> k2)

instance MuRef (Actions a) where
type DeRef (Actions a) = ListF (ActionF Any)
mapDeRef :: forall f u. Applicative f => (forall b. (MuRef b, DeRef (Actions a) ~ DeRef b) => b -> f u) -> Actions a -> f (DeRef (Actions a) u)
mapDeRef _ (Actions []) = pure Nil
mapDeRef f (Actions (x:xs)) = Cons <$> helper x <*> mapDeRef f (Actions xs) where
helper :: forall b. Action' b -> f (ActionF Any u)
helper (Ascend' a) = pure (AscendF (unsafeCoerce a))
helper (Match' c r) = MatchF c <$> helper r
helper (Descend' y r) = DescendF <$> f y <*> unsafeCoerce (helper r)
data Action m a where
Match :: Char -> Action m ()
Descend :: m a -> Action m a

type Alt :: (Type -> Type) -> ((Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type
newtype Alt m f a = Alt [AltF m f a]
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Alternative) via Compose [] (AltF m f)
type AltF :: (Type -> Type) -> ((Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type
data AltF m f a = Pure a | forall b. Ap (f m b) (AltF m f (b -> a))
deriving instance Functor (AltF m f)
instance Applicative (AltF m f) where
pure = Pure
Pure f <*> q = fmap f q
Ap x p <*> q = Ap x (flip <$> p <*> q)

newtype Parser a = Parser (Alt Parser Action a)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Alternative) via Alt Parser Action

instance MuRef (Parser a) where
type DeRef (Parser a) = ListF (ActionF Any)
mapDeRef :: forall f u. Applicative f => (forall b. (MuRef b, DeRef (Parser a) ~ DeRef b) => b -> f u) -> Parser a -> f (DeRef (Parser a) u)
mapDeRef _ (Parser (Alt [])) = pure Nil
mapDeRef f (Parser (Alt (x:xs))) = Cons <$> helper x <*> mapDeRef f (Parser (Alt xs)) where
helper :: forall b. AltF Parser Action b -> f (ActionF Any u)
helper (Pure a) = pure (AscendF (unsafeCoerce a))
helper (Ap (Match c) r) = MatchF c <$> helper r
helper (Ap (Descend y) r) = DescendF <$> f y <*> unsafeCoerce (helper r)

newtype Name n a = Name n deriving Show

reify :: Actions a -> (G Unique, Name Unique a)
reify :: Parser a -> (G Unique, Name Unique a)
reify acts = (G (Map.fromList [ (u, f x') | (u, x') <- xs ]), Name x) where
(Graph xs x) = unsafePerformIO $ reifyGraph acts

f :: ListF (ActionF Any) Unique -> [Action Unique Any]
f :: ListF (ActionF Any) Unique -> [AltF (Name Unique) Action Any]
f Nil = []
f (Cons h t) = g h ++ f t

g :: forall a. ActionF a Unique -> [Action Unique a]
g (AscendF r) = [Ascend r]
g (MatchF c r) = Match c <$> g r
g (DescendF u r) = Descend (Name u) <$> g r

data Action n a = Ascend a | Match Char (Action n a) | forall b. Descend (Name n b) (Action n (b -> a))
deriving instance Functor (Action n)
instance Applicative (Action n) where
pure = Ascend
Ascend f <*> x = fmap f x
Match c k1 <*> k2 = Match c (k1 <*> k2)
Descend n k1 <*> k2 = Descend n (flip <$> k1 <*> k2)
instance Show n => Show (Action n a) where
show (Ascend _) = "Ascend" -- ++ anythingToString x ++ ")"
show (Match c _) = "(Match " ++ show c ++ ")"
show (Descend (Name n) _) = "(Descend " ++ show n ++ ")"

newtype G n = G (Map n [Action n Any])

lookupG :: forall n a. Ord n => G n -> Name n a -> [Action n a]
g :: forall a. ActionF a Unique -> [AltF (Name Unique) Action a]
g (AscendF r) = [Pure r]
g (MatchF c r) = Ap (Match c) . fmap const <$> g r
g (DescendF u r) = Ap (Descend (Name u)) <$> g r

newtype G n = G (Map n [AltF (Name n) Action Any])

lookupG :: forall n a. Ord n => G n -> Name n a -> [AltF (Name n) Action a]
lookupG (G m) (Name n) = unsafeCoerce (m Map.! n)

nt :: Actions a -> Actions a
nt xs = Actions [Descend' xs (pure id)]
nt :: Parser a -> Parser a
nt xs = Parser $ Alt [Ap (Descend xs) (pure id)]

compareName :: Ord n => Name n a -> Name n b -> Ordering
compareName (Name x) (Name y) = compare x y
Expand All @@ -102,18 +97,15 @@ data Deps n a b where
Dep :: Name n b -> Int -> Int -> Deps n a c -> Deps n a (b -> c)
deriving instance Show n => Show (Deps n a b)

data Slot n a = forall b. Slot !(Name n a) !Int !Int (Deps n a b) (Action n b)
data Slot n a = forall b. Slot !(Name n a) !Int !Int (Deps n a b) (AltF (Name n) Action b)
data Descriptor n a = Descriptor (Slot n a) !Int !Int String
data SomeDescriptor n = forall a. SomeDescriptor (Descriptor n a)
instance Ord n => Eq (SomeDescriptor n) where
SomeDescriptor x == SomeDescriptor y = compareDescriptor x y == EQ
instance Ord n => Ord (SomeDescriptor n) where
compare (SomeDescriptor x) (SomeDescriptor y) = compareDescriptor x y
instance Show n => Show (SomeDescriptor n) where
show (SomeDescriptor (Descriptor (Slot (Name x) a i deps act) l k _)) =
unwords ["<", show x, "::=", "(" ++ show deps ++ ")", show act, intercalate ", " [show a, show i, show l, show k], ">"]

initialDescriptor :: Name n a -> String -> Int -> Action n a -> SomeDescriptor n
initialDescriptor :: Name n a -> String -> Int -> AltF (Name n) Action a -> SomeDescriptor n
initialDescriptor n xs i act = SomeDescriptor (Descriptor (Slot n i 0 Self act) 0 0 xs)

newtype WaitForAscend n = WA (Map (n, Int) [Int -> String -> SomeDescriptor n])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,16 +133,16 @@ parse :: forall n a. Ord n => (G n, Name n a) -> String -> Set (SomeDescriptor n
parse (g, z) xs0 = go Set.empty emptyWA emptyWD (zipWith (initialDescriptor z xs0) [0..] (lookupG g z)) where
go :: Set (SomeDescriptor n) -> WaitForAscend n -> WaitForDescend n -> [SomeDescriptor n] -> Set (SomeDescriptor n)
go u wa wd (d : rs) | d `Set.member` u = go u wa wd rs
go u wa wd (d@(SomeDescriptor (Descriptor (Slot x a i ds (Match c r)) l k xs)) : rs)
| c' : xs' <- xs, c == c' = go (Set.insert d u) wa wd (SomeDescriptor (Descriptor (Slot x a (i + 1) ds r) l (k + 1) xs') : rs)
go u wa wd (d@(SomeDescriptor (Descriptor (Slot x a i ds (Ap (Match c) r)) l k xs)) : rs)
| c' : xs' <- xs, c == c' = go (Set.insert d u) wa wd (SomeDescriptor (Descriptor (Slot x a (i + 1) ds (($ ()) <$> r)) l (k + 1) xs') : rs)
| otherwise = go u wa wd rs
go u wa wd (d@(SomeDescriptor (Descriptor (Slot x a i ds (Descend n next)) l k xs)) : rs)
go u wa wd (d@(SomeDescriptor (Descriptor (Slot x a i ds (Ap (Descend n) next)) l k xs)) : rs)
= go (Set.insert d u) (insertWA n k (\r xs' -> SomeDescriptor (Descriptor (Slot x a (i + 1) (Dep n k r ds) next) l r xs')) wa) wd $ concat
[ [ SomeDescriptor (Descriptor (Slot n a' 0 Self acts) k k xs) | (a', acts) <- zip [0..] (lookupG g n) ]
, [ SomeDescriptor (Descriptor (Slot x a (i + 1) (Dep n k r ds) next) l r xs') | (r, xs') <- lookupWD wd n k ]
, rs
go u wa wd (d@(SomeDescriptor (Descriptor (Slot x _ _ _ (Ascend _)) k r xs)) : rs)
go u wa wd (d@(SomeDescriptor (Descriptor (Slot x _ _ _ (Pure _)) k r xs)) : rs)
= go (Set.insert d u) wa (insertWD x k (r, xs) wd)
([ f r xs | f <- lookupWA wa x k ] ++ rs)
go u _ _ [] = u
Expand All @@ -160,7 +152,7 @@ decode ds0 = lookupM where
m :: Map (n, Int, Int) [Any]
m = Map.fromListWith (++)
[ ((x, l, r), map unsafeCoerce (go ds [a]))
| SomeDescriptor (Descriptor (Slot (Name x) _ _ ds (Ascend a)) l r _) <- Set.toList ds0
| SomeDescriptor (Descriptor (Slot (Name x) _ _ ds (Pure a)) l r _) <- Set.toList ds0

lookupM :: forall c. Name n c -> Int -> Int -> [c]
Expand All @@ -170,8 +162,5 @@ decode ds0 = lookupM where
go Self x = x
go (Dep n l r xs) fs = go xs $ fs <*> lookupM n l r

char :: Char -> Actions Char
char c = Actions [Match' c (pure c)]

type Parser a = Actions a
char :: Char -> Parser Char
char c = Parser (Alt [Ap (Match c) (pure (const c))])

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