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noughtmare committed Jul 27, 2023
1 parent 0cc3e80 commit 2accf5c
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Showing 2 changed files with 151 additions and 5 deletions.
141 changes: 141 additions & 0 deletions experiments/Experiment1.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, Arrows #-}

import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
import Control.Category
import Control.Arrow

data Parser' p a b where
Id :: Parser' p a a
Arr :: (a -> x) -> Parser p x b -> Parser' p a b
Port :: Parser p a1 x -> Parser p (Either x a2, a3) b -> Parser' p (Either a1 a2, a3) b
Match :: Char -> Parser p a b -> Parser' p a b
Free :: p (Parser p) a1 x -> Parser p (x, a2) b -> Parser' p (a1, a2) b

instance Category (Parser' p) where
id = Id
k . Id = k
k . (Match c p) = Match c (Parser [k] . p)
k . (Arr f p) = Arr f (Parser [k] . p)
k . (Port p q) = Port p (Parser [k] . q)
k . (Free x p) = Free x (Parser [k] . p)

assocr :: ((a,b),c) -> (a,(b,c))
assocr ((a,b),c) = (a,(b,c))

assocl :: (a,(b,c)) -> ((a,b),c)
assocl (a,(b,c)) = ((a,b),c)

instance Arrow (Parser' p) where
arr f = Arr f id
first Id = Id
first (Arr f k) = Arr (first f) (first k)
first (Port p k) = Arr assocr (Parser [Port p (Parser [Arr assocl (first k)])])
first (Match c k) = Match c (first k)
first (Free x k) = Arr assocr (Parser [Free x (Parser [Arr assocl (first k)])])

newtype Parser p a b = Parser [Parser' p a b]

instance ArrowZero (Parser p) where
zeroArrow = Parser []

instance ArrowPlus (Parser p) where
Parser ps <+> Parser qs = Parser (ps ++ qs)

instance Category (Parser p) where
id = Parser [Id]
p0 . Parser qs = foldr (<+>) zeroArrow $ map (composeL p0) qs where
composeL k Id = k
composeL k (Match c p) = Parser [Match c (k . p)]
composeL k (Arr f p) = Parser [Arr f (k . p)]
composeL k (Port p q) = Parser [Port p (k . q)]
composeL k (Free x p) = Parser [Free x (k . p)]

instance Arrow (Parser p) where
arr f = Parser [Arr f id]
first (Parser ps) = Parser (map first ps)

instance ArrowChoice (Parser p) where
left p = arr (,()) >>> Parser [Port p id] >>> arr fst

char :: Char -> Parser p a a
char c = Parser [Match c id]

string :: String -> Parser p a a
string [] = id
string (x:xs) = char x >>> string xs

send :: p (Parser p) a b -> Parser p a b
send x = Parser [Arr (,()) (Parser [Free x (arr fst)])]

parse :: forall p a b. (forall x y. p (Parser p) x y -> Parser p x y) -> p (Parser p) a b -> String -> a -> [b]
parse g p0 xs0 x0 = map fst $ go x0 xs0 (g p0) where
go :: c -> String -> Parser p c d -> [(d, String)]
go x xs (Parser ps) = go' x xs =<< ps
go' :: c -> String -> Parser' p c d -> [(d, String)]
go' x xs Id = [(x, xs)]
go' x xs (Arr f k) = go (f x) xs k
go' y (x:xs) (Match c k) | x == c = go y xs k
go' _ _ Match{} = []
go' x xs (Port p k) =
case x of
(Left x1,y) -> do
(x', xs') <- go x1 xs p
go (Left x', y) xs' k
(Right x2, y) -> go (Right x2, y) xs k
go' x xs (Free p k) =
case x of
(x', y) -> go x' xs (k . arr (,y) . g p) -- TODO avoid left-recursion

-- E(l,r) ::= [4 >= l] '-' E(l,4) //4
-- | [3 >= r, 3 >= l] E(3,3) '*' E(l,4) //3
-- | [2 >= r, 2 >= l] E(2,2) '+' E(l,3) //2
-- | [1 >= l] 'if' E(0,0) 'then' E(0,0) 'else' E(0,0) //1
-- | a

guardA :: (ArrowChoice a, ArrowZero a) => a Bool ()
guardA = proc b ->
if b
then returnA -< ()
else zeroArrow -< ()

data E p a b where
E :: E p (Int, Int) Expr

data Expr = Neg Expr | Mul Expr Expr | Add Expr Expr | ITE Expr Expr Expr | A
deriving Show

gram :: E p a b -> Parser E a b
gram E =
proc (l, r) -> do
guardA -< 4 >= l
char '-' -< ()
x <- send E -< (l, 4)
returnA -< Neg x
<+> do
guardA -< 3 >= r && 3 >= l
x <- send E -< (3, 3)
char '*' -< ()
y <- send E -< (l, 4)
returnA -< Mul x y
<+> do
guardA -< 2 >= r && 2 >= l
x <- send E -< (2, 2)
char '+' -< ()
y <- send E -< (l, 3)
returnA -< Add x y
<+> do
guardA -< 1 >= l
string "if" -< ()
b <- send E -< (0, 0)
string "then" -< ()
x <- send E -< (0, 0)
string "else" -< ()
y <- send E -< (0, 0)
returnA -< ITE b x y
<+> do
char 'a' -< ()
returnA -< A

main :: IO ()
main = gram `seq` pure ()
15 changes: 10 additions & 5 deletions gigaparsec.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,8 +42,13 @@ executable gpc-examples
build-depends: gigaparsec

test-suite gpc-test
import: common
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
hs-source-dirs: tests
main-is: test.hs
build-depends: tasty, tasty-hunit, gigaparsec
import: common
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
hs-source-dirs: tests
main-is: test.hs
build-depends: tasty, tasty-hunit, gigaparsec

executable gpc-experiment1
import: common
main-is: Experiment1.hs
hs-source-dirs: experiments

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