Releases: notscuffed/repkg
Releases · notscuffed/repkg
RePKG v0.3.2-alpha
- Added another mp4 header
RePKG v0.3.1-alpha
- Fixed mp4 header detection
RePKG v0.3.0-alpha
- Added support for mp4 video textures
- Updated dependencies
RePKG v0.2.2-alpha
- Increased maximum mipmap size
RePKG v0.2.1-alpha
- Animated TEX files are now converted to GIF images instead of sequence sheets in PNG
- Added some checks for invalid/malicious values in TEX files
RePKG v0.2.0-alpha
- Refactored project
- Added PKG & TEX writer
- Added frame info reading & writing
- Improved performance
- All TEX versions are now fully read (the tested ones)
RePKG v0.1.7-alpha
- Added support for R8 and RG88
RePKG v0.1.6-alpha
- Fixed wrong assumption of TexFormat id's
- Fixed crash while extracting single tex file because no output directory was created
RePKG v0.1.5-alpha
- Added support for TEXB0001
RePKG v0.1.4-alpha
- Decreased required .NET Framework to 4.6
- Fixed crash because no output directory was created.
- Fixed enumerating *.tex files picked up all extensions that started with "tex" and also lead to crash.