More updates and improvements for ExactDN
- changed: dummy images have no args appended with exactdn except for ssl flag
- fixed: resize_detection.js being combined with other scripts by Autoptimize
- fixed: retina optimization not deferred in async mode
- fixed: PDF files could trigger license exceeded message
- fixed: binary detection not fully functional with MacOS and PHP 7.2
- fixed: compatibility with Regenerate Thumbnails version 3
- added: enable lossy compression with ExactDN:
- added: CSS/JS minification with ExactDN, see
- added: disable WebP for specific files with ewww_image_optimizer_bypass_webp filter
- added: ExactDN obeys focus point from Theia Smart Thumbnails plugin
- added: admin-ajax requests for eddvbugm loader work with ExactDN
- fixed: multisite settings would not save in certain circumstances
- fixed: compression levels reset for API users on multisite after toggling single-site override on and off
- fixed: media library items with non-local images rewritten incorrectly by ExactDN
- fixed: restoring images throws errors on PHP 7.1
- fixed: has_cap with invalid argument not recognizing utf8-mb4 v5.2
- fixed: ExactDN domain validation failing on length check for some domains
- updated: PEL for better EXIF preservation