My fully functional and patched dwm build.
- Gaps
- Actual fullscreen
- Swallow
- Resize corners
- Shiftview
- Dragmfact
- Mpd
- Monocle and Centeredmaster layout
These are the programms I use for the bindings I have configured:
- xbacklight
- amixer
- Sí-no script (see my dotfiles)
- htop
- ytop
- calcurse
- ncmpcpp
- lf (you could change this file manager to ranger for example but ranger doesn't work with the swallow patch)
- scrot
- doas
To use this project clone it and compile it:
$ git clone
$ cd dwm
$ make install
Make sure you install it with root permisions. You can also change everything to your liking by editing the code!
To execute it put the line "exec dwm"
on your .xinitrc file and do $ startx
- Default dwm bindings
- Super+d dmenu
- Super+enter terminal
- Super+q kill
- Super+t tiling layout
- Super+c centered master layout
- Super+space toggle floating on selected window
- Super+f toggle fullscreen on selected window
- Super+F1 previous mpd song
- Super+F2 next mpd song
- Super+ESC pause mpd
- Upvolkey vol +2%
- Downvolkey vol -2%
- Mutevolkey toggle mute
- Super+plus xbacklight +2%
- Super+minus xbacklight -2%
- Super+Shift+c reboot prompt
- Super+Shift+x shutdown prompt
- Super+m htop
- Super+Shift+m ytop
- Super+Shift+i calcurse
- Super+Shift+n ncmpcpp
- Super+r lf
- Super+Shift+r root lf
- Print screenshot
- Shift+Print prompt select area screenshot
I've set a few static values that you could change as well.
- Font: Change "*fonts" string on config.h.
- Color: Change "col_cyan" string on config.h to match your rice.
- Bar height: Change "bh = 19" string on dwm.c.