Forked from cristifalcas/puppet-etcd to refactoring and improvement.
- improvement for CentOS 7 base usage
- improvement for CentOS 7 cluster usage
- [] improvement for CentOS 7 cluster usage - SSL support
- [] improvement for CentOS 7 cluster usage - proxy support
- [] refactor code
- [] add new functions
- hiera support
This module installs and configures etcd.
A basic provider is also implemented that can add/update/delete node keys
Because of the way etcd is working, you can't change any of the initial cluster variables after first run:
This is annoyng if you first bootstraped the cluster in http mode and you want to add ssl after that to initial_cluster parameter.
- Don't care. Even if the protocol is http, the communication will be over ssl
- redeploy the cluster (rm -rf /var/lib/etcd/$data_dir)
- Puppet Enterprise 3.8.x, 3.7.x, 3.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.1.x
- Puppet 3.x
- RedHat, Debian
- etcd 2.2.x
include etcd
class { 'etcd':
ensure => 'latest',
listen_client_urls => '',
Add a key/value pair to etcd:
etcd_key { '/':
value => '{ "Network": "", "Backend": { "Type": "vxlan", "VNI": 1 }}',
Remove a key:
etcd_key { '/':
ensure => absent
class { 'etcd':
ensure => 'latest',
etcd_name => 'infra0',
listen_client_urls => '',
listen_peer_urls => '',
initial_advertise_peer_urls => "http://${::fqdn}:2380",
advertise_client_urls => "http://${::fqdn}:2379",
initial_cluster => [
class { 'etcd':
ensure => 'latest',
etcd_name => 'infra1',
listen_client_urls => '',
listen_peer_urls => '',
initial_advertise_peer_urls => "http://${::fqdn}:2380",
advertise_client_urls => "http://${::fqdn}:2379",
initial_cluster => [
Test cluster(run on server):
etcdctl cluster-health
etcdctl member list
class { 'etcd':
ensure => 'latest',
etcd_name => $::hostname,
listen_client_urls => '',
advertise_client_urls => "https://${::fqdn}:2379",
# clients should speak over ssl
cert_file => "${::settings::ssldir}/certs/${::clientcert}.pem",
key_file => "${::settings::ssldir}/private_keys/${::clientcert}.pem",
# authorize clients
client_cert_auth => true,
# and verify clients certificates
trusted_ca_file => "${::settings::ssldir}/certs/ca.pem",
initial_cluster => [
Use the etcd provider with ssl certificates:
etcd_key { '/':
value => '{ "Network": "" }',
peers => "https://${::fqdn}:2379",
cert_file => "${::settings::ssldir}/certs/${::clientcert}.pem",
key_file => "${::settings::ssldir}/private_keys/${::clientcert}.pem",
# verify server ceretificate
ca_file => "${::settings::ssldir}/certs/ca.pem",
class { 'etcd':
ensure => 'latest',
etcd_name => $::hostname,
# clients
listen_client_urls => '',
advertise_client_urls => "https://${::fqdn}:2379",
# clients ssl
cert_file => '/etc/pki/puppet_certs/etcd/public_cert.pem',
key_file => '/etc/pki/puppet_certs/etcd/private_cert.pem',
# authorize clients
client_cert_auth => true,
# verify clients certificates
trusted_ca_file => '/etc/pki/puppet_certs/etcd/ca_cert.pem',
# cluster
listen_peer_urls => '',
initial_advertise_peer_urls => "https://${::fqdn}:2380",
initial_cluster => [
# peers ssl
peer_cert_file => '/etc/pki/puppet_certs/etcd/public_cert.pem',
peer_key_file => '/etc/pki/puppet_certs/etcd/private_cert.pem',
# authorize peers
peer_client_cert_auth => true,
# verify peers certificates
peer_trusted_ca_file => '/etc/pki/puppet_certs/etcd/ca_cert.pem',
debug => true,
If the
class { 'etcd':
ensure => 'latest',
etcd_name => $::hostname,
proxy => 'on',
# clients
listen_client_urls => '',
advertise_client_urls => "https://${::fqdn}:2379",
# clients ssl
cert_file => '/etc/pki/puppet_certs/etcd/public_cert.pem',
key_file => '/etc/pki/puppet_certs/etcd/private_cert.pem',
# authorize clients
client_cert_auth => true,
# verify clients certificates
trusted_ca_file => '/etc/pki/puppet_certs/etcd/ca_cert.pem',
# cluster
listen_peer_urls => '',
initial_cluster => [
# peers ssl
peer_cert_file => '/etc/pki/puppet_certs/etcd/public_cert.pem',
peer_key_file => '/etc/pki/puppet_certs/etcd/private_cert.pem',
# authorize peers
peer_client_cert_auth => true,
# verify peers certificates
peer_trusted_ca_file => '/etc/pki/puppet_certs/etcd/ca_cert.pem',
debug => true,
Hiera configuration example:
etcd::etcd_packagename: 'etcd'
etcd::ensure: 'present'
etcd::etcd_name: 'infra0'
etcd::service_ensure: 'running'
etcd::listen_client_urls: ''
etcd::listen_peer_urls: ''
etcd::initial_advertise_peer_urls: "http://%{::fqdn}:2380"
etcd::advertise_client_urls: "http://%{::fqdn}:2379"
etcd::initial_cluster: ["infra0=http://%{::fqdn}:2380",'infra1=']
etcd::data_dir: "/var/lib/etcd/infra0.etcd"