Releases: ngageoint/geopackage-ios
Releases · ngageoint/geopackage-ios
2.0.0 (11-21-2017)
- WARNING - GPKGBoundingBox coordinate constructor arguments order changed to (min lon, min lat, max lon, max lat)
- WARNING - GPKGTileGrid constructor arguments order changed to (minX, minY, maxX, maxY)
- Bounding Box envelope constructor
- Bounding Box projection based complementary, bounding, and expansion methods
- Feature Indexer and Feature Table Index row syncing
- Improved feature row geometry blob handling
- FeatureShapes for maintaining active map Shapes
- Map Shape Converter geometry simplifications
- Map Shape Converter memory improvements
- MapUtils for zoom, tolerance distance, map bounds, click bounds utilities, and location on shape determinations
- Projection transformations for lists of points
- Minor SQL changes to match spec changes
- Bounding box utility improvements for overlap and point in box testing
- Tolerance distance utility methods for geometry proximity testing
- Feature Tiles geometry simplifications
- Multiple Results and List Results implementations of Feature Index results
- Feature Index Manager index type specific improvements
- Tile Creator source image size check
- User Table / Row has id check & columns of a type methods
- User Row Sync implementation to support sharing user row query results
- FeatureInfoBuilder for common feature creating result messages and data
- tiff-ios version updated to 1.1.0
- wkb version update to 1.0.8
1.3.0 (07-31-2017)
- Projections refactor to support additional coordinate authorities and custom projections
- Mutable copy implementations for base, extension, and user table (features, tiles, attributes) row objects
- Date Time utils formatter creation and date to string conversions
- Improved date column support for user tables (features, tiles, attributes)
- User table zoom level bounding of degree unit projections
- Tile Bounding Box Utils method to bound degree unit bounding box with web mercator limits
- Bounding of degree projected boxes before Web Mercator transformations
- Curve Polygon to map polygon support (drawn as straight lines)
- DAO where clause cascading delete fixes due to open connections during deletions
- Result Set move to position off by one fix
- Base DAO fix to handle insertions of all nil values
1.2.2 (06-14-2017)
- Allow user tables (feature, tile, attributes) without primary keys to support table views
- Support EPSG 900913 (GOOGLE)
- Elevation Extension scale, offset, and id columns changed to be non nullable
- Bug fixes for elevation extension when handling null elevations
- Timezone fixes for Contents last change and Metadata Reference timestamp
- Geometry utilities
- Map Shape Converter fix for single point polygon points at creation time
- Map Shape Converter default constructor
- Map Shape Converter draw shapes using closest longitude direction between consecutive points
- Map Shape Converter complementary path creation for shapes over -180 / 180 longitudes
- Map Shape hidden setters
- Map Shape Markers size and is empty methods
- Map Point Options support for pinTintColor alongside deprecated pinColor
- Map Point Options mutable copy support
- Close Polygons converting from Google Map Shapes to Geometries
- Default and optional polygon counterclockwise and clockwise conversion orientations
- Removed AFNetworking dependency
- tiff-ios version updated to 1.0.2
- proj4-ios verion 4.9.3
- wkb version update to 1.0.7
1.2.1 (02-02-2017)
- GeoPackage spec version 1.2 changes and updates
- Elevation Extension support (PNG & TIFF)
- User Attributes table support
- tiff-ios dependency for TIFF support
- Elevation Tiles table type (2d-gridded-coverage)
- Contents Data Type (features, tiles, attributes, elevation) functionality
- Built in support for WGS 84 Geographic 3d projection (EPSG:4979)
- Table and column name SQL quotations to allow uncommon but valid names
- Elevation query algorithms including Nearest Neighbor, Bilinear, and Bicubic
- Elevation unbounded results elevation queries
- Tile bounding box utility methods precision adjustments
- Spatial Reference System definition_12_163 column changed to definition_12_063
- Deprecated the User Geometry Types Extension per spec removal
- Deprecated gpkx file extension for extended GeoPackages per spec removal
- GeoPackage application id and user version
- Additional Tile Dao zoom level determinations, including the closest
- Zoom level determination using width and height
- Resource cleanup including fix for Issue #25
1.2.0 (06-23-2016)
- Spatial Reference System DAO create from EPSG code in addition to SRS id
- Projection unit retrieval
- Dropped web mercator terminology from method names that only require consistent units per pixel
- Zoom level from tile size in meters method
- Image rectangle from bounding box methods
- WGS84 tile grid, bounding box, tiles per side, and tile size methods
- Tile Generator support for multiple projections, such as WGS84 in addition to Web Mercator
- URL Tile Generator changed to use provided projection in place of parsing URL
- Improved tile drawing on bounds for tiles not lining up with requests
- Tile Creator providing common tile generation functionality
- Tile reprojections between different unit types (ex. WGS84 GeoPackage tiles)
- Tile DAO changed to work with any projection units
- Tile DAO utility methods
1.1.11 (05-10-2016)
- AFNetworking version updated to 3.1 with GeoPackage Manager code adaptations
- GeoPackage 1.1.0 spec updates
- GeoPackage application id updated to GP11
- OGC Well known text representation of Coordinate Reference Systems extension support
- GeoPackage Connection column exists, add column, and query single result methods
- Base extension with implementations and support for: CRS WKT, Geometries, Metadata, Schema, WebP, and Zoom Other
- Projection creations from Spatial Reference Systems
- Data Column Constraint column name changes per spec
- Include projection when building Feature Overlay Query map click messages
- Feature Overlay Query use of Data Column names in place of the column name when available
1.1.10 (03-18-2016)
- wkb-ios version updated to 1.0.6
- GeoPackage like and not like name queries
- Import GeoPackage as link to existing file
- Delete a GeoPackage without deleting the database file
- Automatic deletion of GeoPackages with missing database files
- Map click query improvements including projections, feature table data responses, and additional supported input parameters
- Feature table data to JSON compatible object conversions
- Tile Retriever standalone logic extracted from GeoPackage Overlay