2.0.0 (11-21-2017)
WARNING - GPKGBoundingBox coordinate constructor arguments order changed to (min lon, min lat, max lon, max lat)
WARNING - GPKGTileGrid constructor arguments order changed to (minX, minY, maxX, maxY)
Bounding Box envelope constructor
Bounding Box projection based complementary, bounding, and expansion methods
Feature Indexer and Feature Table Index row syncing
Improved feature row geometry blob handling
FeatureShapes for maintaining active map Shapes
Map Shape Converter geometry simplifications
Map Shape Converter memory improvements
MapUtils for zoom, tolerance distance, map bounds, click bounds utilities, and location on shape determinations
Projection transformations for lists of points
Minor SQL changes to match spec changes
Bounding box utility improvements for overlap and point in box testing
Tolerance distance utility methods for geometry proximity testing
Feature Tiles geometry simplifications
Multiple Results and List Results implementations of Feature Index results
Feature Index Manager index type specific improvements
Tile Creator source image size check
User Table / Row has id check & columns of a type methods
User Row Sync implementation to support sharing user row query results
FeatureInfoBuilder for common feature creating result messages and data
tiff-ios version updated to 1.1.0
wkb version update to 1.0.8
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