Nautilus namecodes are encoded filenames for media and other artistic creations in filesystem based content management systems.
To instal this application you can use pip: package installer for Python.
pip3 install nautilus-namecodes
While this application is primarily focused as an application library, a small command line interface is included.
For example you can print all the Name Codes with this command:
nautilus-namecodes codes --show-all
This project depends on 'atoml' for processing the pyproject.toml file.
MIT License Copyright (c) 2021 Frost Ming, 2018 Sébastien Eustace
This project depends on 'typer' for creating the CLI.
MIT License Copyright (c) 2019 Sebastián Ramírez
This project depends on 'pydantic' for Json Schema.
MIT License Copyright (c) 2021 Samuel Colvin
This project includes 'SnakeMD' for generating Markdown.
MIT License Copyright (c) 2021 Jeremy Grifski
- This repository uses "pytest" to run python tests code.
- This repository uses "Black" to format python code.
- This repository uses "mypy" to type check the python code.
- This repository uses 'pylint' to check the python code quality.
- This repository uses 'bandit' to code for security issues.
- This repository uses 'isort' to check that imports are sorted.
- This repository uses Sphinx and Myst-Parser for documentation infrastructure.
This repository uses [Poetry: Dependency Management for Python, include the 'Poetry Dynamic Versioning' extension].
- Install Python.
- Install Poetry and Poetry Dynamic Versioning
pip3 install poetry poetry-dynamic-versioning
- Clone the
repository development tree.
- Change Directory to the cloned repository:
cd nautilus-filename_specification
- Install Dependencies:
poetry install
- Run Tests:
poetry run tox
- Create Distribution Package:
poetry build