released this
23 Oct 16:41
Front end improvements:
Add right-to-left design option. #1209
Add state/category filters to list pages. #1141
Include last update time in around/my page lists. #1245
Show report details more nicely on a questionnaire page. #1104
Improve email confirmation page (now matches success pages). #577
Update URL hash when mobile menu navigation clicked. #1211
Add public status page showing stats and version. #1251
Accessibility improvements to map pages. #1217
New default OpenGraph image. #1184
Turkish translation.
Performance improvements:
A number of database speed improvements. #1017 #1258
Translate report states in admin index. #1179
Improve translation string on alert page. #348
Fix location bug fetching category extras.
Workaround DMARC problems. #1070
Fix padding of alert form box. #1211
Pin Google Maps API version to keep it working. #1215
Upgrade Google geocoder to version 3. #1194
Fix script running when CDPATH is set. #1250
Fix retina image size on front page. #838
Process update left as part of questionnaire, to catch empty ones. #1234
Make sure explicit sign in button clicks are honoured. #1091
Adjust email confirmation text when report not being sent. #1210
Fix footer links in admin if behind a proxy. #1206
Use base URL in a cobrand alert for a report without a body. #1198
Fix potential graph script failure in perl 5.16+. #1262
Development improvements:
Error logging should now work consistently. #404
Streamline navigation menu CSS. #1191
Streamline list item CSS. #1141
make_css now follows symlinks. #1181
Use a sass variable for hamburger menu. #1186
Write progress of make_css_watch to terminal title. #1211
Remove final hardcoded "FixMyStreet" from templates. #1205
Combine a number of base/fixmystreet templates. #1245
Make sure submodules are checked out by Vagrant. #1197
Remove Module::Pluggable warning in newer perls. #1254
Bundle carton to ease installation step. #1208
Improve ease of running gettext-extract. #1202
Add standard app.psgi file.
Add link to volunteer tickets in README. #1259
Use Modernizr to decide whether to show mobile map. #1192
Prevent potential session cookie recursion. #1077
Allow underscore in cobrand name/data. #1236
Add a development URL to see check email pages. #1211
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