PHP library that allows you benchmark and compare the performance of functions.
- Optimize for PHP7
- The library accepts an arbitrary number of user defined functions to test against each other
- Accept functions under test as callable type.
- Accept functions under test with a canonical name
- The library accept an arbitrary number of argument sets to be passed to each function under test.
- Functions can be tested N number of times
- Includes Summary report
- Summary report can be streamed can be sent to an i/o stream in human readable format
- Summary report can be order by (Min, Max, Avg and Median) execution time (Ascending and Descending)
- Report can be filtered by function name and parameters set
To get started, use Composer to add the package to your project's dependencies:
$ composer require mookofe/php-benchmark
function bubbleSort(array $array): void
if (!$length = count($array)) {
return $array;
for ($outer = 0; $outer < $length; $outer++) {
for ($inner = 0; $inner < $length; $inner++) {
if ($array[$outer] < $array[$inner]) {
$tmp = $array[$outer];
$array[$outer] = $array[$inner];
$array[$inner] = $tmp;
function quickSort(array $array): void
if (!$length = count($array)) {
return $array;
$k = $array[0];
$x = $y = array();
for ($i=1;$i<$length;$i++) {
if ($array[$i] <= $k) {
$x[] = $array[$i];
} else {
$y[] = $array[$i];
return array_merge(quickSort($x),array($k),quickSort($y));
Given these two functions, let's benchmark them
use Mookofe\Benchmark\Method;
use Mookofe\Benchmark\Sorters\Min;
use Mookofe\Benchmark\Orchestrator;
use Mookofe\Benchmark\Sorters\Order\Asc;
use Mookofe\Benchmark\Repositories\IOReporter;
//Define orchestrator
$orchestrator = Orchestrator();
/** Add paraters to test */
$orchestrator->addParameters([5, 4, 3, 2, 1]);
$orchestrator->addParameters([100, 5, 300]);
$orchestrator->addParameters([20, 10, 9, 25]);
/** Add methods */
$orchestrator->addMethod(new Method('bubbleSort'));
$orchestrator->addMethod(new Method('quickSort'));
/** Run tests 10 times */
$results = $orchestrator->run(10);
/** Run reporter */
$reporter = new IOReporter($results);
$asc = new Asc();
$sorter = Min($asc);
/** Generate report */
Benchmark Report
Running times: 10
Number of functions: 2
Number of parameters set: 3
Function Parameters Min Max Avg Median
bubbleSort ([100, 5, 300]) 3.0994 5.0068 3.0994 3.0994
bubbleSort ([20, 10, 9, 25]) 5.0068 28.8486 5.0068 5.0068
bubbleSort ([5, 4, 3, 2, 1]) 6.9141 22.8882 6.9141 6.9141
quickSort ([100, 5, 300]) 10.0136 11.9209 10.0136 10.0136
quickSort ([5, 4, 3, 2, 1]) 10.9673 377.8934 10.9673 10.9673
quickSort ([20, 10, 9, 25]) 13.113 19.0735 13.113 13.113
* Times in microsecond (µs)
Sort the summary report by the min field
use Mookofe\Benchmark\Sorters\Min;
use Mookofe\Benchmark\Sorters\Order\Desc;
/** Sorter */
$desc = new Desc();
$sorter = new Min($desc);
/** Generate report */
Sort the summary report by the max field
use Mookofe\Benchmark\Sorters\Max;
use Mookofe\Benchmark\Sorters\Order\Asc;
/** Sorter */
$asc = new Asc();
$sorter = new Max($asc);
Sort the summary report by the avg field
use Mookofe\Benchmark\Sorters\Max;
use Mookofe\Benchmark\Sorters\Order\Avg;
$asc = Asc();
$sorter = new Avg($asc);
Sort the summary report by the median field
use Mookofe\Benchmark\Sorters\Max;
use Mookofe\Benchmark\Sorters\Order\Median;
$asc = new Asc();
$sorter = new Median($asc);
use Mookofe\Benchmark\Sorters\Median;
use Mookofe\Benchmark\Sorters\Order\Asc;
use Mookofe\Benchmark\Filters\FunctionName;
$asc = new Asc();
$sorter = new Median($asc);
/** Filters */
$functionNames = [
$functionNameFilter = new FunctionName($functionNames);
/** Generate report */
use Mookofe\Benchmark\Sorters\Median;
use Mookofe\Benchmark\Sorters\Order\Asc;
use Mookofe\Benchmark\Filters\Parameter;
$asc = new Asc();
$sorter = Median($asc);
/** Filters */
$parametersFilter = new Parameter();
$parametersFilter->addSet([5, 4, 3, 2, 1]);
$parametersFilter->addSet([100, 5, 300]);
/** Generate report */
- Accept arguments by canonical name
- Create WebReporterRepository to allow benchmark on controllers and other places
- Return exception when argument and signature does not match
- Finish package tests
- try/catch validations
- Enable Continuous Integration
This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license