A node.js demon designed to scrape tracks from RADR playlists and send track info as messages on a specified Chew show.
- node.js v6+
git clone https://github.com/millar/radr-chew-messages
cd radr-chew-messages
chmod +x bin/chew-radr.js
Usage: ./bin/chew-radr.js -u [radr user id] -k [chew api key]
-u, --user_id RADR user ID (as found at end of profile URL) [required]
-k, --api_key Chew API key (from https://chew.tv/developer) [required]
-s, --show_uri Chew show URI (if not given first live show will be chosen
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
./bin/chew-radr.js -u 2239 -k euWdUdETF3Vt74hRvYIENX8flysPiqGiGCrEsmVI