A C++ program for ID3v2.3 MP3 tagging. A work in progress.
Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/mihasket/mp3-tagger.git
cd mp3-tagger
make install
This will create 3 directories:
- images
- mp3files
- obj
Put the MP3 files into the directory mp3files. Put the PNG/JPEG files into the directory images. The only supported image file extensions are PNG and JPG/JPEG.
After installing, run with command:
make compile
make run
You only have to run make compile for the first time.
make run
MP3 files:
1. song.mp3
1. song.mp3
Title: Apples and Oranges
Artist: Miha
Album: Github EP
Track number: 1
Release date: 2022
Do you want to tag an image? (y,n): y
0. Blues
1. Classic Rock
2. Country
77. Musical
78. Rock & Roll
79. Hard Rock
Input a number: 71
Do you want to tag an image? (y,n): y
JPEG/PNG images:
1. apple.jpeg
2. orange.png
Image (file name): apple.jpeg