🐛 Bug fixes
⚡ Improvements
📝 Documentation
⬆️ Dependency updates
Bump jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.9 to 0.8.10 by @dependabot [bot] in #762
Bump mikepenz/release-changelog-builder-action from 3.7.1 to 3.7.2 by @dependabot [bot] in #763
Bump jib-maven-plugin from 3.3.1 to 3.3.2 by @dependabot [bot] in #765
Bump testcontainers.version from 1.18.0 to 1.18.1 by @dependabot [bot] in #764
Bump spring-boot-starter-parent from 2.7.11 to 2.7.12 by @dependabot [bot] in #767
Bump commons-io from 2.11.0 to 2.12.0 by @dependabot [bot] in #766
Bump lombok from 1.18.26 to 1.18.28 by @dependabot [bot] in #769
Bump guava from 31.1-jre to 32.0.0-jre by @dependabot [bot] in #768
Bump testcontainers.version from 1.18.1 to 1.18.3 by @dependabot [bot] in #770
Bump commons-io from 2.12.0 to 2.13.0 by @dependabot [bot] in #772
Bump guava from 32.0.0-jre to 32.0.1-jre by @dependabot [bot] in #771
Bump org.eclipse.jgit from to by @dependabot [bot] in #775
Bump frontend-maven-plugin from 1.12.1 to 1.13.3 by @dependabot [bot] in #774
Bump spring-boot-starter-parent from 2.7.12 to 2.7.13 by @dependabot [bot] in #773
Bump guava from 32.0.1-jre to 32.1.1-jre by @dependabot [bot] in #777
Bump frontend-maven-plugin from 1.13.3 to 1.13.4 by @dependabot [bot] in #776
Bump org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-parent from 2.7.13 to 2.7.14 by @dependabot [bot] in #778
Bump org.apache.commons:commons-lang3 from 3.12.0 to 3.13.0 by @dependabot [bot] in #779
Bump from 32.1.1-jre to 32.1.2-jre by @dependabot [bot] in #780
Bump testcontainers.version from 1.18.3 to 1.19.0 by @dependabot [bot] in #783
Bump org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-parent from 2.7.14 to 2.7.15 by @dependabot [bot] in #782
Bump ncipollo/release-action from 1.12.0 to 1.13.0 by @dependabot [bot] in #781
Bump mikepenz/release-changelog-builder-action from 3.7.2 to 4.0.0 by @dependabot [bot] in #784
Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 by @dependabot [bot] in #787
Bump crazy-max/ghaction-import-gpg from 5 to 6 by @dependabot [bot] in #786
Bump mikepenz/action-junit-report from 3 to 4 by @dependabot [bot] in #785
Bump com.github.eirslett:frontend-maven-plugin from 1.13.4 to 1.14.0 by @dependabot [bot] in #788
Bump org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-parent from 2.7.15 to 2.7.16 by @dependabot [bot] in #791
Bump org.projectlombok:lombok from 1.18.28 to 1.18.30 by @dependabot [bot] in #790
Bump from 3.3.2 to 3.4.0 by @dependabot [bot] in #789
Bump commons-io:commons-io from 2.13.0 to 2.14.0 by @dependabot [bot] in #792
Bump testcontainers.version from 1.19.0 to 1.19.1 by @dependabot [bot] in #794
Bump org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-parent from 2.7.16 to 2.7.17 by @dependabot [bot] in #800
Bump apacheds.version from 2.0.0.AM26 to 2.0.0.AM27 by @dependabot [bot] in #799
Bump mikepenz/release-changelog-builder-action from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1 by @dependabot [bot] in #798
Bump from 0.9.10 to 0.9.11 by @dependabot [bot] in #796
Bump from 32.1.2-jre to 32.1.3-jre by @dependabot [bot] in #795
Bump commons-io:commons-io from 2.14.0 to 2.15.0 by @dependabot [bot] in #801
Bump actions/setup-node from 3 to 4 by @dependabot [bot] in #804
Bump com.github.eirslett:frontend-maven-plugin from 1.14.0 to 1.14.2 by @dependabot [bot] in #803
Bump org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.10 to 0.8.11 by @dependabot [bot] in #802
Bump mikepenz/release-changelog-builder-action from 4.0.1 to 4.1.0 by @dependabot [bot] in #805
Bump testcontainers.version from 1.19.1 to 1.19.2 by @dependabot [bot] in #808
Bump org.apache.commons:commons-lang3 from 3.13.0 to 3.14.0 by @dependabot [bot] in #811
Bump testcontainers.version from 1.19.2 to 1.19.3 by @dependabot [bot] in #810
Bump org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-parent from 2.7.17 to 2.7.18 by @dependabot [bot] in #809
Bump actions/setup-java from 3 to 4 by @dependabot [bot] in #814
Bump commons-io:commons-io from 2.15.0 to 2.15.1 by @dependabot [bot] in #813
Bump com.github.eirslett:frontend-maven-plugin from 1.14.2 to 1.15.0 by @dependabot [bot] in #812
Upgrade to Java 21 and Spring Boot 3 by @loicgreffier in #806
Upgrade to Node 20 and Angular 17 by @loicgreffier in #807
Bump from 10.12.4 to 10.12.6 by @dependabot [bot] in #820
Bump org.springdoc:springdoc-openapi-starter-webmvc-ui from 2.2.0 to 2.3.0 by @dependabot [bot] in #821
Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1 by @dependabot [bot] in #822
Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3 to 4 by @dependabot [bot] in #825
Bump from 32.1.3-jre to 33.0.0-jre by @dependabot [bot] in #826
Bump from 10.12.6 to 10.12.7 by @dependabot [bot] in #827
Upgrade to Angular 17.0.8 and Spring Boot 3.2.1 by @loicgreffier in #833
Update Jquery 3.7.1 by @loicgreffier in #834
Bump mikepenz/release-changelog-builder-action from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 by @dependabot [bot] in #835
Upgrade to GraalVM Polyglot 23.1.2 by @loicgreffier in #840
Bump from 10.12.7 to 10.13.0 by @dependabot [bot] in #843
Bump io.jsonwebtoken:jjwt from 0.12.3 to 0.12.4 by @dependabot [bot] in #842
Bump testcontainers.version from 1.19.3 to 1.19.4 by @dependabot [bot] in #841
You can’t perform that action at this time.