The solution has two applications.
The first one is one Client Console Application: It creates a request to the server with the document text to be analyzed and the tag information to be extracted and shows the analysis results
The second is an Asp.NET Core Web API Application: It analyzes the submitted XML document and the requested tags. It stores the request and result infos in the database
Db: Request, response, and analysis informations store on MS Sql Server database
- Document Table: It stores XML file information to be analyzed (XMLDocument data, date, etc.)
- Tag Table: It stores the information of the elements to be extracted from the document and the contents of the tag (p, how comprehensible individual... e.g.)
- Analysis Table: It stores document analysis information (StartDate, EndDate, ElapsedMilliseconds e.g.)
- AnalysisItem Table: It stores the repeating vocabulary and the number of occurrences associated with the Analysis, Document, and Tag
The project uses .NET 5 Framework and MS SQL Server.
- If you do not have .NET >= 5.x installed, you can download it here: .NET 5
- If you do not have an MS SQL Server instance, you can download the Express version from here: MS SQL Express
- If you do not have Visual Studio 2019 Express, you can download it here: Visual Studio 2019
- git clone
- cd CongreeLang
- open CongreeLang.sln with Visual Studio 2019
- Rebuil Solution
Change MS SQL Server connection string setting in appsettings.json file on Server Project
Open Package Manager Console Window then run below commands
Add-Migration Initial
Server Application must start first. Run CongreeLang.sln for starting the Server project
Open Power shell then run below command for starting Client Application
cd CongreeLang\Client\bin\Debug\net5.0
- For starting Client App use the below command.
.\Client.exe "1.xml" "p;li" "2.xml" "p" "3.xml" "li" "4.xml" "p;li" "5.xml" "p" "6.xml" "li" "7.xml" "p;li" "8.xml" "p" "9.xml" "li"
Multiple requests sending asynchronously. You can see total elapsed milliseconds info. And also you can see elapsed milliseconds info for each request
Index - $indexnumber Document processing starting and Index - $indexnumber Document processing ended