ezQuake 3.5-alpha19 (30th Jan 2019)
released this
30 Jan 14:04
48 commits
to meag/renderer
since this release
Major rendering engine update, expect lots of bugs, DO NOT USE for important games. It has had very limited testing and isn't ready yet.
Source-code if you want to build on other systems is available here, process to build is:
git clone https://github.com/meag/ezquake-source new-renderer
cd new-renderer
git checkout meag/renderer
make clean && CLASSIC_OPENGL_ONLY=1 make -j3
make clean && MODERN_OPENGL_ONLY=1 make -j3
Official changelog and individual 3.5 version changelogs moved to here
Lots of changes to classic in this version - started adding GLSL rendering to classic renderer for instance, it also uses texture arrays for lightmaps. Might have more issues on particular cards or configs than usual.
Changes/fixes in latest release
- ciscon: classic rendering bugged (multi-renderer build only)
- sae: particles can disappear (was when
limit set > 2048, and then > 2048 particles - two explosions with/r_explosiontype 0
+ a rocket trail) - turning off all
cvars disables hud rendering - missing tracker images causes crash on map load
- changing
updates all lightmaps immediately (old bug) - programs should compile ahead of being used, otherwise stuttery performance the first time a program is used in a scene
and lightmaps in texture array is broken (need to make gl_program_world dictate if texture arrays are used, require vid_restart?) - removed functionality: velocity3d
- .md3 models could cause application crash (incorrectly measuring size prior to populating vbo)
- .md3 viewmodels should have depth buffer hack
- .md3 models have more flexible .skin support
- .md3 models with multiple surfaces/textures supported
- .md3 models don't set modelhint (itemsclock, gamesummary etc broken.. also in 3.1)
- .md3 model corruption when drawing in modern
- .md3 model lerping when using VBOs
- .md3 models are lit as normal
- .md3 models support
- .md3 model rendering/lerping in glsl (classic)
- powerup shell texture is incorrect with
/gl_program_aliasmodels 0
in classic -
is double-applying the gamma correction
Todo list for next build
- Proportional fonts: fix loading on Windows (download freetype.dll and put in same directory as ezquake.exe)
- Proportional fonts: loads .ttf by default and looks in system directories for files
- Proportional fonts:
enumerates fonts available on system - dopeskillz: if r_fastturb set, lava in
gets random colours from the map (-glsl only?) - tuna: crash on multi-renderer build when entering map (was compiling programs for inactive renderers)
- tuna: green lines on menu screen when no cursor texture (fixed rendering of lines & polygons in hud)
- classic: request explicit OpenGL versions (4.3-compat, 3.2-compat, any)
- hud: combine polygon/line-drawing programs with image-rendering
- hud:
attributes can have formatting applied (%<10r>T
etc) - .md3/.mdl: add special cases for ng/sng to not lerp back to the frame 0 when firing stops
- .md3/.mdl: block lerping of vertices if they come from behind the player
- .md3: support outlining of models
- ciscon: font loading broken on linux, should be defining EZ_FREETYPE_SUPPORT_STATIC if linking freetype
- ciscon: if proportional font loaded, "pushes my speed number to the right unless i set hud_speed_proportional 1"
/hud_speed_text_align 0
hides the text value (as per documentation) - lordlame: netgraph not rendered in hud (possibly tuna's line-rendering problem)
- mushi: viewsize 80 etc looks odd (border not cleared, have asked for backtile.png)
- dopeskillz: reports crashes when viewing qtv, nothing to replicate so far, looking into it
- bugged in earlier versions when going to next map, in 3.5 renders a corrupt axe - investigate
on hud elements - this wasn't always followed, but seemed to define the opacity of non-text items (the speed bar as an example) - utilised by nquake so should keep using - .md3 shader support (keep very basic for now, maybe just blending modes)
- fgh: no menu options when loading
- fgh: no text until cfg_load
- fgh: black textures (despite map, but not all the time)
Todo list (4.0-alpha)
- .md3 vertex/colored lighting etc as normal
- hazeus: look into progs/v_bat.mdl &
... only lerp points which are always in front of the player? - stop switching programs when drawing different hud elements (especially circles/lines)
- stop switching back to immediate mode at end of each program call in classic
- complete classic .glsl rendering path, allow -noimmediate
- Alpha chains
- HUD: Circles
- GLC_RenderFramebuffers
- MD3 Rendering
- MD3 Powerup shell
- Bloom effect
- GLC_PolyBlend
- GLC_BrightenScreen
- GLC_DrawSky() (various?)
- GLC_DrawMapOutline()
- DrawGLPoly() (what else uses this?)
- GLC_EmitWaterPoly() - only called when *model, find example
- OpenGL 3.2 support (update v120 shaders, ask for core on OSX)
- bloom functionality in glsl
- bgnr: fov distortion on vid_restart
- bgnr: gamma doesn't work, reports "gamma size broken, gamma wont work" (likely to be linux specific)
- bps: "bug on alpha15 where it glows on the ground on couple of places, like the glow from a quad, currently only on ztndm3" - have downloaded the .mvd and seen demo showing example, happened once on watching demo bug cannot reliably replicate - could have been the GL_BindTextures() bug?
- dev: screen flickering. (... cannot replicate)
- initially thought to be only on linux, but seems it happens on windows too after long uptime.
- (dev reports that mur has same issue)
- (we now think this is a hud-rendering issue but haven't got to the bottom of it)
- dev: crash when issuing
while fast-forwarding a demo. Error message looks like it might be freeing() memory twice. (command wasgl_externalTextures_world 1; gl_max_size 32768; gl_texturemode GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR; gl_loadlitfiles 1; gl_outline 1; vid_restart
) - lordlame: complaints about performance on radeon 6990 (reports alpha3 runs better)
- core profile rendering broken on AMD (narrowed it down to
4.0 complete
- convert .mdl/.md3/.bsp-items to a common model format
- vertex/colored lighting in .glsl
- complete reading user interface from json
- complete new threading model for server browser
- multiple huds per config
- old-hud should be subset of new-hud rendering
- customisable scoreboards
- customise the location of multiview windows
- look again at gpu-culling of scene, pre-building list of surfaces per vis-area
- look again at deferred shading
Fixed in 3.5-menus
- dirtbox: rendering of server browser's server popup window was broken (was connected to server and running server browser and having server-browser window open)
- full console was drawn in background then painted over before server-browser
- spaces were still drawn when drawing red text, rather than skipped as normal
- dialog boxes were rendered as individual blocks rather than repeating tiles (very old issue)
- meag:
is set to an image that is not available, will not load (memory in pool not allocated) - meag: proportional font loading is broken (uses new spacing for spaces but still uses fixed-width font)
- meag: server browser threading model significantly changed
- meag: user interface functionality significantly changed
Old bugs
- timon: coronas of rockets in water are visible when out of the water
- meag: cheap shadows are affected by rotation of item (most noticeable on gibs)
Bugs reported, not being actioned
- raket:
, rendering to one x server and capturing from another on nvidia. Works on 3.1, 3.5-classic crashes immediately, 3.5-glsl gives the video attached. also breaks cs:go. no bug if ffmpeg capturing setup isn't enabled, raket suspects bug in linux nvidia drivers - raket: requested change: detect compositor on x-windows
Hopefully fixed (waiting for feedback)
- bgnr: text font appears as solid colour (reports that running without config works fine, has supplied config - was .wad font only)
- bps: crash on last seconds of dm2 (particle-expiring issue fixed in alpha6)
- dimman: crash when running
timedemo demo1
(...cannot replicate, believe might be same as bps) - ciscon: on mesa,
to get > 3.0 on intel card supporting 4.5 no longer works - dirtbox: related out of memory error when trying to connect to server (can't get this to happen, but fixed some memory leaks and memory usage should now be much lower)
- lordlame: vid_renderer 0 > 1 > 0 loses performance increase (performance stays at '1' levels) - AMD system
- up2: incorrect luma textures used on start.bsp (fullbright player skins layers used instead of brush model luma textures) (... could not replicate but alpha16 fixed bug in GL_BindTextures() call)
Struggling to replicate
- blah/ciscon: increased memory usage over time (... cannot replicate)
- nigve: 'q' in tracker isn't blue anymore (can't replicate)
- mushi: "with Viewsize values less than 100, borders of the screen have issues. Maybe someone else can confirm. 3.5 glsl"