TBD NOTE: test are most probably broken, sorry
A Tumblr HTML theme parser written in Python.
I've working in a static microblogging generator that is compatible with Tumblr themes http://www.tumblr.com/themes/ so I wrote a parser for the Tumblr's template language used on custom themes http://www.tumblr.com/docs/en/custom_themes and thanks to pyparsing was not so hard to create it.
For example running
$ tumblr-theme-parser -t theme.html -j options.json
with an HTML theme like this
<ol id="posts">
<li class="{PostType}">
<h3><a href="{Permalink}">{Title}</a></h3>
The HTML rendered looks like this
<title>My personal blog</title>
<ol id="posts">
<li class="text">
<h3><a href="/post/1/">My first post</a></h3>
<li class="text">
<h3><a href="/post/2/">My second post</a></h3>
is a JSON-encoded file with options to render the template. For example
"Title": "My personal blog",
"Posts": [
{"PostType": "text", "Title": "My first post", "Permalink": "/post/1/", "Body": "Content."},
{"PostType": "text", "Title": "My second post", "Permalink": "/post/2/", "Body": "Content."}
You can also use tumblr-theme-parse
like a Python module, for example
>>> import tumblr_theme
>>> options = {u'Title': u'My blog'}
>>> template = u'<head><title>{Title}</title></head>'
>>> parser = tumblr_theme.Parser()
>>> parser.parse_theme(options, template)
u'<head><title>My blog</title></head>'
At the moment there is no Python package to install, you need install the dependencies and clone this repo
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ git clone git://github.com/pabluk/tumblr-theme-parser.git
It was tested with Python 2.7.4.
To run unittests
$ tests/parsertests.py