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character set update

Marko Hoepken edited this page Nov 22, 2015 · 6 revisions


The rx5808_pro_osd need a custom character set.

The character set is included into the project and can be found in the char_set folder.

The folder includes also the nice java editor taken from the other minimOSD projects.

How to update

For the update you need a working FTDI serial connection to the board.

This is the same setup as you need for the Adruino firmware update.

The rx5808_pro_osd software has a special function in the setup menu to bring the system into update mode.

After the system is in update mode, the board is expecting the character file send as binary on via uart.

This can be simple done with free TeraTerm program.

It has a function "Send file".

The procedure is like this:

  1. Connect the FTDI USB serial adapter to your board and you PC
  2. Power the rx5808_pro_osb board
  3. Connect the TeraTerm to the board with 38400 (CHANGED!) baud 8,1 (Ignore incomming characters, they are comming from keyboard poll)
  4. Enter the setup menu of the board and select the "Update character" function
  5. After some seconds the TeraTerm should print "Waiting for Character Update"
  6. Now select on the TeraTerm File -> Send File.
  7. Choose the "rx5808_pro_osd_Charset.mcm" file in the char_set folder
  8. You will see in the TermTerm Window the update process (takes ~40 seconds)
  9. When the update is done, the terminal prints "Font update done" and the system will restart.

This update is only required one time, since the characters are stored in an eeprom in the OSD chip.

On future releases of the software addtional character updates may be required.

If you update fails or did not work, you see all menues, but it look crappy (depents of your inital OSD version).

NOTE: I added a test font file (other_OSD_Charset_update_test.mcm) from a different OSD project to check the update by cross programming it and see the results.

![Wrong character set] (

This just means: Update the characters.