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Freeform Portland Admin Application and API


Set Up Local Development Environment on OSX:

Clone the repository

$ git clone [email protected]:marciaga/playlist-v2.git

(If you're on a Mac, we recommend installing Homebrew.

Ensure you have a compatible version of Node and NPM:

$ node -v
$ npm -v

We use Node 6.9.1 and NPM 3.10.9 and recommend globally installing n to manage your Node versions.

Next, install Yarn which we use for managing dependencies. If you're on a Mac you can use Homebrew:

$ brew install yarn

or npm:

$ npm i yarn -g

or just install the binary!

$ curl -o- -L | bash

Now, install the dependencies with:

$ yarn

Next, you'll need a running instance of MongoDB version >=3.2. To install, we recommend using Homebrew:

$ brew install mongodb

Run the MongoDB server:

$ mongod

We advise leaving the terminal window open while the server is running. When you want to stop the server, use: Ctrl + c.

Before continuing, you'll need to obtain a data dump from another developer on the project. We use the native MongoDB archive format, so the file will be admindump.archive. To import it, first, be sure the mongod server is running. Then, from the directory in which the archive file is, run

$ mongorestore --gzip --archive=admindump.archive

You'll also need a .env file, whose values you can obtain from another developer on the project. An example .env.example is in the project directory, so you can

$ cp .env.example .env

then fill in the values.

Before starting the app for the first time, you'll need to build the main CSS file, which can be done with (this step need be done only the first time):

$ yarn build:css

Now you can run the app:

$ yarn dev

Note that the command $ yarn dev also runs the CSS watcher.

The app is available in your browser at localhost:3000.

Alternative Local Environment Using Docker

First, install Docker for Mac

Next, clone the repository

$ git clone [email protected]:marciaga/playlist-v2.git

You'll need to change your .env file to connect to the MongoDB container properly DB_CONNECTION=mongodb://db:27017

Next, run:

$ docker-compose up -d --build

This command will build the images, install the dependencies, and start the application in development mode. The application will be accessible at http://localhost:3000


We use the Jest testing framework. To run the tests, use:

$ yarn test

Code Style

We use ESLint to ensure style consistency:

$ yarn lint

Adding New Dependencies

It's important to not use npm to add dependencies because they won't be added to the yarn.lock file. Instead, to add to dependencies use

$ yarn add <package>

or to add to devDependencies, use

$ yarn add -D <package>

Git Workflow

We use Gitflow, which you can read about here

Feature branches should be named as follows:

$ git checkout -b feature/my-feature

Pull requests should always be from your feature branch to the develop branch.

DB Backup from Prod

You'll need the .kffp_config file.

Run mongo locally:

$ mongod

From the repo root, run

$ bash bin/

Public API Endpoints

get all shows

GET /api/v1/shows and /api/v1/shows/:id
Response: 200 SUCCESS
        "_id": "6j323kljfsdlk23tksdf23234",
        "showName": "Bizarre Times",
        "users": [
                "_id": "23234lksdf23lkjfsdfsdf2112",
                "displayName": "Judy Gloom"
        "dayOfWeek": "Monday",
        "startTime": 18,
        "endTime": 20,
        "isActive": true,
        "slug": "bizarre-times",
        "description": "A great show for musics",
        "primaryImage": ""
    "_id": "234234234234jlsdfk23",
    "showName": "Turtles Have Short Legs",
    "users": [
        "_id": "2342lk23409dfglkj28",
        "displayName": "Eeronomicon"
        "_id": "423kljs32340293023d",
        "displayName": "Gilliflower"
    "dayOfWeek": "Sunday",
    "startTime": 21,
    "endTime": 17,
    "isActive": true,
    "slug": "turtles-have-short-legs"

    "statusCode": 503,
    "error": "Service Unavailable",
    "message": "unavailable"

get a playlist by show slug and optionally playlist ID.

Optional query param order e.g., ?order=asc

GET /api/v1/playlists/{slug}/{playlistId?}
Response: 200 SUCCESS
    playlists: [
            "_id": "232klj2342lk3j4kj4k",
            "showId": "3j32kdlkj23vsc312",
            "playlistDate": "2017-03-20T00:48:14.187Z",
            "isSub": false,
            "djName": "Cat Meowington",
            "songs": [
                    "artist": "This Mortal Coil",
                    "track": "Song To The Siren (Remastered)",
                    "album": "It'll End In Tears (Remastered)",
    "show": {
        "_id": "2342309sdfkj230sdf",
        "showName": "Bizarre Times",
        "users": [
            "Judy Gloom"
        "dayOfWeek": "Monday",
        "startTime": 18,
        "endTime": 20,
        "isActive": true,
        "slug": "bizarre-times",
        "description": "A super cool show about stuff",
        "primaryImage": ""

    "statusCode": 500,
    "error": "Internal Server Error",
    "message": "An internal server error occurred"

TODO get now playing

GET /api/v1/now-playing
Response 200 SUCCESS:
    "_id": "587da4dd29403e59645ed740",
    "artist": "Mirror Kisses",
    "track": "Genius",
    "album": "Heartbeats",
    "releaseDate": "2013-05-03",
    "images": [
            "height": 640,
            "url": "",
            "width": 640
            "height": 300,
            "url": "",
            "width": 300
            "height": 64,
            "url": "",
            "width": 64
    "playedAt": "2017-03-19T01:09:47.645Z",
    "songId": "cj0fwd4hp000079p5njg3h6xb"

Response 200 SUCCESS:
    "success": "false",
    "message": "Nothing is playing"

Response 503 ERROR:
    "statusCode": 503,
    "error": "Service Unavailable",
    "message": "unavailable"


No description, website, or topics provided.






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