The aim of this project is to concatenate two point cloud with rigid body transform and detect objects by using PCL (Point Cloud Library). The project includes;
Taking two different point clouds with different axises and transform one of them in order to make their z axis the same. The algorithm publishes the transformed point cloud data in
topic.rosrun lidar_fusion transform_pointcloud_main
Taking the transformed point cloud for concatenating it with the second point cloud. The algorithm publishes fused point cloud data in
topic.rosrun lidar_fusion fusion_main
Taking the fused point cloud in order to detect objects. The algorithm publishes found objects poses in
, clustered point clouds in/ObjectDetection/cloud_filtered
and markers of the objects in/ObjectDetection/markers
topics.rosrun lidar_fusion detection_main
Parameters | Definition |
first_lidar_topic | The first point cloud topic. |
second_lidar_topic | The second point cloud topic. This point cloud gets transformed but if required both point clouds can get transformed. |
lidar_pos_x | Desired value of transformation on x axis. |
lidar_pos_y | Desired value of transformation on y axis. |
lidar_pos_z | Desired value of transformation on z axis. |
lidar_rotation | Desired value of transformation on yaw. |
Parameters | Definition |
first_pc | The first point cloud topic. |
second_pc | The second point cloud topic. |
Parameters | Definition |
sensor_model | Sensor model. (In this project Velodyne HDL-323 is used.) |
z_axis_min | Desired value of minimum z axis of region of interest for removing the ground. |
z_axis_max | Desired value of maximum z axis of region of interest for removing the ceiling. |
cluster_size_min | The minimum number of points that a cluster needs to contain in order to be considered valid. |
cluster_size_max | The maximum number of points that a cluster needs to contain in order to be considered valid. |
lidar_topic | The input point cloud topic. |
This package has three main dependencies:
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-velodyne-simulator
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-perception-pcl
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-pcl-conversions
ROSDep will take care of the other dependencies.
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
You can run via roslaunch lidar_fusion overall.launch