A python client to make calls to the API from http://nosdeputes.fr and http://nossenateurs.fr. These websites contain activity information of the French National Assembly parliamentarians (votes, etc.). Results are formatted as relational objects. See this example, requesting votes of our Mélenchon national... and we can even show his face! :
from cpc_api import CPCApi
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # this is to show Meluche's face
api = CPCApi(legislature='2017-2022')
meluche = api.search_parliamentarians('Melenchon')
lst_votes_meluche = meluche.get_votes()
arr_face_de_meluche = api.picture(meluche.slug, pixels=512)
- Request Parliamentarians, Votes, Balloting, etc. and manipulate them as relational objects;
- (todo maybe) Store locally the database for faster API interactions and less bandwidth consumption;
(incomplete documentation)
Go to docs
then run:
make html
then go to the build/html
directory to find the index.html
- Cross-references between docstring and other class objects and methods. For instance, if a method returns
a list of
objects, the docstring should provide a reference to that class so that a neat link appears in the rendered documentation.
Clone the current repository then go in the root directory and simply run
pip install .
- If you find any issue, just raise one on the github repo! (or contact me directly here: https://discord.gg/BhruTKKx93)
- Contributions to the documentation are very welcome (see
Todos in documentation
, upper in this README.md file); - Any other contribution is also welcome.
- This code have been forked from https://github.com/regardscitoyens/cpc-api.
- All the data comes from the API provided by Regards Citoyens. See full API documentation here: https://github.com/regardscitoyens/nosdeputes.fr/blob/master/doc/api.md
- Députes
from cpc_api import CPCApi
api = CPCApi(legislature='2012-2017')
# synthese of legislature
synthese = api.synthese()
# search for a depute
cope = api.search_parliamentarians('Cope')
# get all info of cope
all_info = api.parliamentarian(cope['slug'])
- Sénateurs & députés legislature 2007-2012...
from cpc_api import CPCApi
# do the same with senateurs
api = CPCApi(ptype='senateur')
larcher = api.search_parliamentarians('larcher')
# 'or with legislature 2007-2012'
api = CPCApi(ptype='depute', legislature='2007-2012')
morano = api.search_parliamentarians('morano')
# ...